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A home made photo shoot

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  • Great pics, I love the last one of them trotting off up the boat:D

  • I agree the last one is the best :D
    It's an interesting life you lead.

  • Neat photos! And what a cute bunch of critters. :) I love rats too, they are very neat pets. I had some for a short time here and there getting them socialized for work (kind of a classroom pet) or taking in the old ones in their last days. One in particular I used to have sit with me at lunch, he was such a good rat.

    I did have chinchillas for a long time though, here is Lucy getting a ride from Mojo. They didn't get to visit very often, but with close supervision they were able to have a little play time once in a while. lol

  • Hey Kim and Kas ! Happy to see some pictures of Bendji's friends again !:)
    Greetz from Hoogstraten !;)

  • Awww. thanks for the pics of the little zoo you have. What a fantastic life they all must lead.. you know we have house boats in Paris ;) you are always welcome for a visit.

  • Lovely pics!!
    The jungle Basenjis doesnt touch the other animals, like chicken. Maybe your dogs think they are in the jungle…=)

  • Lovely pictures and the captain's mates are, as always, adorable. Can you tell us a little about the boat?

  • Great photos, it looks like such a great life on the boat. I did not realize how big it was till that last photo! I guess the dogs get plenty of exercise, not cramped up on some "little" boat.

  • @Forever:

    I love the coloring on the rat and they do make great pets my sister had one. Once her son forgot it outside and it actually was scratching on the door to get in lol. Her hubby couldn't figure out what was making the noise so when he went to open the door in toddled the rat.

    My mom is really into birds. Since I left home she has always had either parakeets or ****ateels. Recently she aquired a ****atoo from a rescue. The owner had died and the bird needed a home. She was telling me though that if they escape they are very confused with all the space, so your birds probably dont miss not being free they are no doubt very pampered and happy. :D

    I always had rats.. I just love them.. when our last male died, we thought we can live without rats.. but no.. we can't…


    Neat photos! And what a cute bunch of critters. :) I love rats too, they are very neat pets. I had some for a short time here and there getting them socialized for work (kind of a classroom pet) or taking in the old ones in their last days. One in particular I used to have sit with me at lunch, he was such a good rat.

    I did have chinchillas for a long time though, here is Lucy getting a ride from Mojo. They didn't get to visit very often, but with close supervision they were able to have a little play time once in a while. lol

    Such a great photo!!!!!!!! Wow! I love chins… they are so soft :D


    Awww. thanks for the pics of the little zoo you have. What a fantastic life they all must lead.. you know we have house boats in Paris ;) you are always welcome for a visit.

    Owww I love Paris!!! (I've some French Family living in Roncourt but I went to Paris with my grandmom a few years ago… I loved it :D

  • @snorky998:

    Lovely pictures and the captain's mates are, as always, adorable. Can you tell us a little about the boat?


    Great photos, it looks like such a great life on the boat. I did not realize how big it was till that last photo! I guess the dogs get plenty of exercise, not cramped up on some "little" boat.

    I'll try to tell a little bit about the life we lead :D

    We sail across Germany, Netherlands an Belgium to bring materials from one place to another. (we have two holds, togheter they can storage about what 52 big trucks can storage)
    Mostly we transport ingriedients for cattlefood. (like corn, wheat) But sometimes wheat for human comsumption, or even big rolls of steel or big bags with cement.

    We just cal a special company that list all the available transportations in the area we are at that moment. We pick a journey from the list (or wait when we think the?'re not good or to less priced) and leave to load at a place, we just take care of the ropes and that we stay stable.

    A sailing day for us, we wake up, wlak the dogs at the place we are, get the motor running and we depart.
    If we don't have any locks, we stop a couple of times to walk the dogs (I like that always :D)
    And after our dinner, we call it a night.
    When we arrive at the unloading company, we call us in and then we have to wait intill we are next in line to unload.
    So mostly every transportation journey we have a day off for maintaining the ship (motor, ropes, painting, cleaning etc.)

    We take the weekends off, to do the grocery shopping and take some time out.

    The ship is 80 meters long, 8.20 meters wide and 2.50 dept.
    On the front of the ship, we have a house (2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a livingroom with kitchen) our help lives there, a sixteen year old boy, that wants to be a captain himself. he goes to school a few weeks a year and the rest of the time he works with us.
    At the end of the ship we have our own house, like a appartment.
    Two bedrooms, a toiletroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a very big livingroom and a hall.
    I think it always seems little because the cailing is not so higt and the rooms are very weird placed to get as much space as you can get.

    When our hold is empty, we let the dogs run there. They love it, play in such a big area and when you yodel you hear it from every side back hahahaha
    When they holds are full, we have hatches (keep the material dry) and the dogs can run over the hatches.
    But only when we're not sailing. (it's not smooth but it's always scary when they run over them and you never know if they fall or anyting.
    At our house, is the wheel house, also a big room (with a staiway to our hall and rest of the house) Much time is spend there, the captain(my own Kas :D) sits there during the day when were sailing.
    Our computer, a big sofa (8persons can sit on it) and lots of dogs stuff lies there. So it's like a second living room.

    The name of the company and the ship are Spranky: from our first dog :D

    So I think I talked a lot about the ship but if anyone has some more question please let it know! I like it!

    We have a website too from the ship with lots of foto's:
    It's in Dutch but the pics do say enough
    This page will lead you to a photopage, (in the left menu you can choose other catagories, another picture page is: leuke foto's nieuw

    Have fun looking! and don;t mind asking some more questions!

  • They are lovely pics.

    It sounds a lovely way of life, very exciting for the dogs with lots of different things to see.

    Your ship looks huge!!

  • What a great job you have!

  • Wow! my life is dull lol

  • Great pics; I love your little rat, he's so cute - I used to have rats when i was younger

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