• Sounds like he's in great hands; they've given you a really good prognosis. I know it's hard, but just focus on him being okay and having many more years with you. We're all pulling for you!

  • He is home. The vet wanted to keep him as long as possible before sending him home, they said after 4pm at the earliest. They called at 3:15pm to say Nicky was very adamant that it was time to go home NOW! He was digging to China by the time I got there to pick him up.

    He had a light snack when he got home. Surgery hasn't effected his appetite:) The surgeon thinks he was able to get it all but we won't know for sure until the pathology comes back in 4-5 days. His incision is gigantic but he should be doing well in 10-14 days.

  • Thank you to everyone for you kind thoughts and prayers. I am very happy to have him home.

  • Nicky's Incision


  • I am hopeful you will recieve only good news from the vets.
    We will send good vibes to your home.

  • And just so everyone knows, the mass was no bigger than the size of a quarter. Because of the way the this tumor type spreads they take very large margins around it.

  • Good grief… that is huge..... liken to Kristii's stem to stern on her belly for the liver tumor...

  • YIKES!!! Nicky - that looks awful, work the pitiful basenji act for as long as it will work. You can get your mom doing everything for you.

  • Poor Nicky!! That incision is huge! Lots of hugs and pets and treats and bones and lovin are in order.

    Best wishes from us for a very speedy recovery.

  • Nicky did pretty well last night. He has a hard time getting comfortable because he wants to lay on the side with the incision then decides he doesn't like how that feels so then he decides to move and try a different position.

    He has a good appetite and other than being annoyed at all the things he isn't allowed to do for the next two weeks, he is pretty much his regular self.

  • I *bet that is uncomfortable!!! So, since it was a sarcoma, I am guessing it was in the muscle tissue, is that inaccurate? After having a C-section, I know that I never want to have muscle cut again!! And it was small, compared to the relational size of Nicky's incision.

  • Poor Nicky…that incision IS huge. I'm happy that he made it thru well and that he is eating well, and able to get some rest. It must be such a big relief to have the surgery itself behind you…although I'm sure the wait for the pathology result is torture.

  • I'm glad he is doing well after the surgery and I hope the next couple weeks of rest will fly by. I'm crossing my fingers the test results are all positve.

  • Lisa, Hugs and Kisses to Nicky from relatives Shadow and Sugar.

  • Wow, that is a huge incision, but if it is just skin and not muscle, it probably doesn't bother him too much. Fingers crossed for clean margins!

  • Best wishes from all four of us for a fast healing.

  • I am not sure if it was in the muscle. My vet and the surgery specialist thought it was kind of odd for a sarcoma because it was so free moving under the skin. He is really doing very well. He had an easy day at home while the girls when racing.


  • Oh my!! Sending healing thoughts your way!!

  • Sending healing thoughts and for a positive outcome – as in complete cure. I can understand the large incision, but why do they always have to shave so much? 😉

  • Prayers for a full recovery. Poor little guy. Breaks my heart just looking at him. So glad it was removed totally.

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