• So sorry to hear that Isis isn't doing well. Loss of appetite is one of the first symptoms of an undetected UTI - is she on Clavamox or Baytril? Fanconi kidney walls can wall off an infection and it will not show up with urinanalysis, but damage is being done to the kidney all the same. Most of us ask the vet for a 3 week course of antibiotics any time the dog's attitude and behavior change, whether the test shows a UTI or not. Other symptoms to watch for - leaking or inability to 'hold it,' sometimes yelping or crying as with back pain, lethargy…

    The sub Qs may help. They are not that hard to do on your own, but if you're like us, you feel guilty every time you have to poke her, even though you KNOW it's helping.

    My thoughts and healing vibes coming your way.


  • Awww - Im sorry to hear about Isis…. it is amazing the things we will do for our furbabies... my Tayda has fanconi and has always been a picky eater. Somehow now she is more picky than ever.... like you said, you can make them take the pills but how can you force them to eat a meal. so difficult.

    good luck and hugs to you and isis...

  • I don't know what to say other than we send our thoughts and prayers your way. Bless you and Isis.

  • I'm so sorry. My heart aches for you.

    But I'm also so grateful to all those good breeders and educators that fight so hard so stamp this condition out so that no one else will have to go through this.

  • Sorry about Isis, We did suQ fluids with our 15 yr old basenji for renal issues. We did it till the vet said she thought it was time to stop . We got another 1 1/2 yrs with our guy

  • I am so sorry for you and Isis. You will know when it is time…just go with your heart. You are in my thoughts.

  • Sorry to hear about Isis - prayers that you have the continued strenghth to see this to the end.

  • so sorry to hear this sad news for you & Isis. hugs & prayers to you all during a difficult time.

  • Very sorry to hear about Isis. I hope she lets you know so your decision will be a bit easier in a difficult time.

  • The sub-Q will help but I agree with Terry. YOu feel horrible when you poke them and then they learn you are going to poke them and want to get away from you. That makes it even harder because you only want to help.

    Let us know how she is doing. hugs to your fur kid!

  • It's interesting that your vet said 'dementia'. When Jessie was at the end of her life (fanconi) I thought she had a brain tumor also because of the way she acted. Looking back, and thinking about what your vet said I believe now she was suffering from dementia. There were times I thought she was seeing ghosts because she'd stare up at the ceiling with such purpose. Very weird. I still miss that little butt like no ones business. Isis will forever be in your heart.

  • Miranda and I also have only good thoughts to send your way. We lost our American Eskimo Snowy prior to getting our Basenji. We were very attached to the Eski as we are to the Basenji. When your dog gets to the point where their health is seriously failing its a very difficult time for the owners and the dog. Since we all love our pets we certainly want them to live as long as possible, but it is a double edged sword. At what point do we know if we are doing the best for our pets. It is a hard decision that every pet owner is faced with sooner or later. Sometimes love is finding the ability to let go. We certainly did not want our Eski to suffer any more or live in possible pain. Of course it is a very hard decision and everyone's circumstances are different.

    When Snowy stopped eating, became lathargic, and had trouble holding his water, I looked at Miranda and said "I think we need to do what is best for him." So we took Snowy to the Vet to have tests run and sought advice. Based on that advice we made the decision to let Snowy go because we certain did not want him to live in pain, hunger, or deteriorate where his personality totally disappeared. The hardest part for us, was making that decision and staying with our beloved pet during that time. In the end we know inside that we did the best for our pet. We know we did all we could to provide love, attention and the best quality of life for him and that of course is the most important thing you can do for your pet.

    We are certain you are doing the same for yours as well.

    Jason and Miranda

  • Tanza, this is pedro. What are all the meds that they have to take??. And how much does it useually run for a month or even a yr. Of meds?.

  • This was all posted in the Help ASAP thread.

    Here is an article with that talks about the medications and costs.


    If you use the estimates from the article the medication is about $60/month. Blood gases are $100 per test which is done every 6 months so that would be another 16.67 a month if you are saving up for it. Making the monthly costs around $76.67 provided you don't end up with something like a UTI which can easily add another $100-$200 for the month.

    Also the Fanconi Protocol has what all is required. You will need to know your dog's blood gas results to know what amounts of everything he will need.


  • @jayfabares:

    My cat is now exhibiting some hair loss on her front limbs. She's 8 yrs old & healthy… so I am hoping it is just stress.

    Kitty might be allergic to bug bites. I have one who is like that. Sumi will lose hair, but not seem to scratch much. Just go bald in spots. She has to be kept on flea prevention year-round. Otherwise she begins to look like she needs a full-body wig.

    So sorry to hear about Isis. She will tell you what her wishes are. If she wants to continue the fight, help her….if she's too tired, she will communicate that to you. As difficult as this is, remember we will see all of them again when we join them on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

    My thoughts are with you.

  • I am so sorry to hear about Isis, how heartbreaing it is when you have to make a decision between carrying on or giving tham final peace.

    I agree with AJsHuman - Isis will let you know if she is ready to go, it'll show in her eyes.

  • Hugs for you at this time. The best hardest gift we give our beloved animals is the gift of peace.
    Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  • Houston

    Sending you both hugs..this is a very hard and trying time for you ..

  • The Isis thread is about a year old. Here is the thread about her passing:

  • Ivoss & sharronhurlbut!!! This is pedro, i got a nother resault back today from the foa foundation!!!!!!!!!!! I have great,great,great, news the foa did a rerun of pedro's fanconi test and he is ….....*******probably clar/normal for fanconi syndrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a letter in the mail today from jon curby, that there was an evaluation error and it is put in the database, here's his numbers, bj-fac3249/39m-nopi, his reg# is a07zadg40015a. Im waiting on a call from jon himself about this. I can't belive my eyes. This just made my day soooooo much!.

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