Eldorado does litter box train and they were always very successful at it when I visited..I know they line the outside of the box with newspaper too..so I would make sure to do that also so she's as familiar with the process as she can be. I would suggest if you can't get her to start using it for pooping soon to just get her a coat and start outside. The longer she goes without pooping where you want her to the harder it'll be when you need to change it. Bad habits develop fast. I wish I started Oakley outside right away versus litter training. He always would pee in it but he wouldn't poop in it. He got very used to pooping next to the box on the kitchen floor and to this day prefers going on hard surfaces. I know it's hard to imagine potty training outside in this weather but you might be better off in the long run.
I'm not against the litter box, I also have an eldorado pup; I just know the entire process would've been easier and more beneficial to is both if I braved the weather and did it in the first plAce
New Owner from NJ
Hello & welcome from Canada. Congrats on your new pup. Nice to have you here.
Welcome at the forum!
What a great name for a Basenji!!!
Welcome, who did your pup come from if you don't mind sharing
Einstein.. That's a great name for a breed that's so inventive in finding ways to make their owners go crazy..
Welcome! We love pics..
I aquired him through djakomba in south jersey. He lives up to his name most of the time, though he does have selective listening, like most boys! :p He is wonderful, and I know I'm biased, but I also think he is incredibly beautiful and I can't stop taking pictures… so be careful what you wish for!
He is adorable!!!!!
Welcome from Western Jersey!
He looks amazingly smart:D I'm kinda new, but there are a ton of people here with lots of experience and great advice.
Congrats! He is really cute!! I have a Djakomba basenji too. She's a trindle.
What a handsome boy!
Congrats! He is really cute!! I have a Djakomba basenji too. She's a trindle.
Thank you. That's great to hear, I wonder if she is from the same litter as Einstein? He was born on Dec. 23rd. Do you show your dogs?
My girl is almost 18 months old now and yes I show her. She's an awesome dog!!
Welcome from Philly! Keep posting pics! We love it here.
HI. We're in NJ too. We have a pair of siblings. They were terrors when they were young. Seemed to settle down after age 3… Victor and Amaka in Jersey City
Welcome to the forum, Einstein is adorable.The more pics the better:D
Hello everyone! We just survived our first month with our 12 week old Brindle Male named Einstein. Even with the lack of sleep we love him and he finds new ways to make us happy and crazy at the same time! I look forward to reading all of the information that I can here. He is a handful!
Welcome and congrats, its the glass half full or empyty with B's . He will settle in, I would start puppy class with someone who had some basenji experience…
Send us pics....
Welcome from Luxembourg! What a lovely puppy! My B is almost 14 years old.
I got both my dogs from Djakomba and I couldn't be happier!
Fellow basenji humans,
I haven't posted for a long time, I've had foot surgery twice, and a wedding, I actually had hurt my foot walking my pack of 3 than again in the yard I fell in a fence post hole.
When I got back home with the cast my lady Belle, who is my first girl protected me from those "boys" .
We've had the boys for almost a year and Belle still tolerates them , but I get this "look" every now and than that tells me she doesn't want them around her!I'll be catching up will all the news and new pictures soon.
Later -
He is adorable, and I agree, what a great name..
Welcome onboard, can't wait to see Einstein grow up.. -
Welcome to the forum, everyone is really nice and you will love it. I too have a new brindle boy and yours looks so adorable. Hope you enjoy him like we do.Please post more photos I never can see enough.