Urgent help
I hope shango is ok.. Poor pitbulls can get the worest rep from these, when it's probably just a bad owner or a bad past. I don't want to freak you out but also I do want to let you know:
You really do need to get him checked at a vet… There is a virus or something I heard that was passed w/ Vick's dogs by exchange of blows. It has an incredibly low % rate of transfering. I believe it's from exchaning blood, but not 100% sure, which it doesn't sound like happened. There's a very slight chance i could be mis remembering and it could be mounth to wound (but once again I'm very certain it's not). But It probably is needed to check him out if it's skin breaking. I think it's really only common in Dog fighting and the way dogs are raised in that enviornment, so I won't panic too much, but always better safe than sorry w/ your Bestest friend :)
Sorry, i'm not good at easing into bad news... I'm more of a facts guy.. Once again i'm very sure you'll have nothing to worry about, but I just would rather be safe than sorry.
Andrew, sorry this happened to Shango. File a report asap and make sure the pits owner had valid tags on the dog. I have heard there are owners that register 1 dog and use the collar and tags in public on multiple dogs.
A "gash" sounds like it might need to be cleaned and stitched. I hope it's not that bad.
Good thoughts to you and Shango.
Poor Shango! You are probably more shaken up than he is, and I agree that he needs to be reported. If it's like Florida, police really aren't interested in dog:dog issues, but animal control may be. Certainly he can be banned from the park, that is if it is monitored. Kisses to his snout!
Poor Shango and poor you! :( I hope you both are ok. My vet always recommends neosporin on cuts. Oh, and I echo what others have said…please report the guy to Animal Control...if for no other reason to see that the dog is up to date on rabies. Hugs to you both...oh, and have a beer or 6!
I am so sorry this happened to your b.
I am also sorry that a Pit did it.
That dog, if attacking other dogs, like he did to yours, will be a major
issue to dog safety. -
Thanks for your kind words, everyone!
Shango's doing fine. We were just shaken up. It was pretty scary, though. The dog literally LEAPT onto him, pinning him to the ground underneath her, chewing on him.
He has a bite mark on his snout, (it's healing already) and I gave him a rub-down per the vet to release any sore muscles.
He's fine, you know basenjis, they are tough little things, so the fact that he was literally mauled by a pit bull and walked away with a hurt snout? I'm thankful for their resilience!
Thanks for your kind words, everyone!
Shango's doing fine. We were just shaken up. It was pretty scary, though. The dog literally LEAPT onto him, pinning him to the ground underneath her, chewing on him.
He has a bite mark on his snout, (it's healing already) and I gave him a rub-down per the vet to release any sore muscles.
He's fine, you know basenjis, they are tough little things, so the fact that he was literally mauled by a pit bull and walked away with a hurt snout? I'm thankful for their resilience!
Yes, be thankful. They are tough dogs (basenjis). I know Kananga would never attack a dog unless provoked (being defensive). I've seen him do it once and he was not afraid to take the other dog down who was twice his size, going at his neck. But he has never even growled at another dog that was not provoking anything.
Andrew- I am so sorry about Shango.
But glad he is feeling better.
Which park were you at?
Did they get they guys name- he needs to be banned from the park and his key taken back (if it was a dog park with a key).
Anyway, I'd like to know.
Thanks -
Thanks for everyone's thoughts towards Shango,
I think Leo and Nexa's family can attest- Shango is a DOCILE, FRIENDLY basenji so it was so sad to see him handled so roughly by another dog. He's friendly- leave him alone! :D
The park is just a baseball field just off campus where we usually go with other dogs and they run around and get exercise. I KNEW something was off with this particular dog because they weren't a regular (the pups that usually play are the standard 5 or 6 dogs)
Wow that must have been so scary! I"m so glad Shango (and you!) are ok!
I'm sorry that you and your Shango had this bad experience - it's unfortunate that some less than responsible folks frequent these places. I have however never been a fan of dog parks for a variety of reasons and this is one of them.
Disease is the other one - so a quick trip at your convenience to the vet would not be out of order.
Hope you have a better experience should you decide to go back.
Oh My! So sorry! I know if it were Pearl I would be terrified! Poor Baby! I want to cry fo him. If you love him half as much as I love Peal, I'm sure you are devistated. (And I am sure you love him a much as I love Pearl) I pray Shango is fine and has no permanent injuries. Hugs him for me.