• She's getting big!! 😃
    Love the pics!

  • The ears in the second picture … Bendji always lays his ears back when he is happy e.g. when he meets someone he knows !! Great series !!

  • She is so adorable! How's life with a puppy going?

  • She is sooooo beautiful!!! I have a feeling if I brought her home with me the DH would try to keep her. He fell in love with that beautiful tri-color when we were watching the Westminster on TV…;)

  • I love the b' and lab photo. Thanks for sharing.

  • @AndrewnShango:

    She is so adorable! How's life with a puppy going?

    Loving it!!! 😃

    She is just perfect! GREAT fun to have around. So cheeky and into everything, but still my cuddly little lap dog. She just adores her mum (ie, me! lol), when i come home from work i have the whole excited greeting - ears back, tail wagging out of control, crazy wiggling, hopping from one foot to the other and adorable yodelling :p Its just too sweet!!

    She is so, so friendly. On walks she has to talk to everyone! And of course, everyone adores her as well :rolleyes: She's just brilliant fun!

  • @Maya:

    Loving it!!! 😃

    She is just perfect! GREAT fun to have around. So cheeky and into everything, but still my cuddly little lap dog. She just adores her mum (ie, me! lol), when i come home from work i have the whole excited greeting - ears back, tail wagging out of control, crazy wiggling, hopping from one foot to the other and adorable yodelling :p Its just too sweet!!

    She is so, so friendly. On walks she has to talk to everyone! And of course, everyone adores her as well :rolleyes: She's just brilliant fun!

    is not jealous is not jealous is not jealous

    Awh that's adorable! Good for you! Keep pictures coming for those of us who wish (so badly!) we had a little pup at home! 😃

  • Your wish is my command 😃 lol Some more taken yesterday evening! Is she not just the sweetest little angel?! And SUCH a camera-ham!!!!

    You guys may think of her as a little pup, but i keep looking back at pics taken just after she came home and wondering where on earth my little pup went! She's looking so grown up 😞

  • I love your pics…especially Maya with all the rest of your kids - especially the pugs. :D:D:D

    How old is Maya now?

  • I love this photo. I guess it's a common thing for Basenji's to throw their paws up on larger dogs. I see Kananga do it quite often. Fearless of larger dogs, hehe.

  • Maya is… 14 weeks i think? She was born 5th December. Im rubbish at Maths lol

    She is definately not scared of ANYTHING! It doesnt help that the labs let her get away with being so naughty lol

  • Nice pics!!!

    Oh, those choo-hooves - my B loves them, too, but they sure smell nasty :eek: (and I tell her so, but she ignores me, as usual :rolleyes:)…

  • @imbj:

    Nice pics!!!

    Oh, those choo-hooves - my B loves them, too, but they sure smell nasty :eek: (and I tell her so, but she ignores me, as usual :rolleyes:)…

    Not to mention if you step on one with bare feet….:eek:

  • She's great!!1

    she has some poses that she looks like our Chafuko

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