Here are some pics of Pearl. She is 1 year 4 months. We do love her so. Her fur is on the long side, but her parents are both papered full breed basenjis. Her dad is the tri color like Pearl, her mom the red and white, both beautys as well!
He can run off-leash allmost everywhere here. Most days I don't need his leash at all. Only have to watch for foxes. He really hates those and will go after them untill he gets them.
Good thing is he has an excellent recall. And he is allways watching me, wont go further away from me then 50 meters. So walking him isn't a problem at all (as long as no foxes cross our path that is…).
Lovely swimming pic?s especially the one with daddys head beside his beloved B glad that your beasts approved the new stroller..LOL
There are quite a few basenjis that enjoy swimming I guess it?s matter of taste and habit;)
Myran thinks he?s a lab when Miss Efia is a real prissy when it comes to water…..
If we'd all compare notes I'm sure we can definitely plot the correlations on their traits :D
My two have Af in them too & yet so dramatically different…
C3PO-he's my cuddle bug...loves attention loves to be in the same room & loves to be petted BUT only by his humans :) strangers he'll investigate & if he likes you he'll ALWAYS like you but if he doesn't he'll ALWAYS growl at you. The critters need to be near him within reach for him to go nuts & try to hunt walking on a leash & dumb squirrel just stood in his path so C3PO just SNATCHED him up by this tail :eek: :eek:
Topaz-a lot more indpendent! She'll snuggle with you when she wants to at the right time & place. She is the house HUNTER..she'll hunt anything that moves & she's quick too! My little girl WILL play fetch...but with herself LOL :D :D yup she picks up the tennis ball does a :happy dance: on her hind legs carries it up to the couch nuzzles it & throws it off & she goes to retrieve it! :D
Both HATE water (she more than him) :mad:
thanks… actually there were 3 left from a litter of 5 that were still available... it took all my bf & I had to not take ALL 3 home with us. thankfully, the other 2 got wonderful homes that same day.