Introducing my valentine baby Zoe

  • I got zoey on valentines day she is beginning to make her self comfortable

  • What a cutie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • She is very cute! Thanks for sharing!

  • She is so sweet!!

  • She's so adorable! Keep the photos coming ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Who did your get Zoe from if you don't mind sharing

  • We got zoe from Alacopas Basenji. We drove to get her so we were able to meet zoe and her parents. Also to see the home she was raised in. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Were her parents tested for Fanconi Syndrome prior to breeding? Was she tested for Fanconi Syndrome?

    For more information about living with Fanconi Syndrome,

  • I'm afraid it is, Pat. The Zoe in the link you provided was bred by Alacopas Basenjis. ๐Ÿ˜ž

    Forever Amber I commend you for opening your heart and home to a Fanconi affected puppy. I sincerely hope that you will have many healthy years together before Zoe's health starts to decline. Did your breeder explain Dr. Gonto's Fanconi protocal to you?

  • Forever Amber, please email me privately. If you go my website and then to the email link

  • This has to be the saddest thing I have yet to read on this or any Forum or chat listโ€ฆ that 1. The sire and dam both tested Carrier and were bred anyway. 2. This pup was tested as were the rest of the litter, 3 Affected, 3 Carrier, 1 Clear. 3. This pup was sold with out telling a unsuspecting buyer of the genetic health concern that this pup surely faces. This is all public knowledge on the OFA site.

    How cruel is that? One to breed to begin with and then to sell a pup and not tell that this pup tested affected for a horrible, horrible affliction that breaks the hearts of all that have to live with a Fanconi dog. I "sat" on my hands all day... not writing this and this is not directed towards "Forever Amber"... but to everyone that is considering a puppy and/or adult. Check it out for yourself, don't believe what people tell you... Fanconi testing is public knowledge on the OFA website.

    I can tell you all that I saw this person's posts on about the pups for sale and emailed about the fact that she was advertising Affected pups... the response was "it is a rescue situation and all will be advised of the problem"... obviously not to Forever Amber? And this means there have been most likely two other pups placed that are Affected and 3 that are Carriers, with no spay/neuter requirements....

  • So true, Pat. This is such a sad story.

    Everyone should know that BCOA was adamant that if a Fanconi Test was to be released to the public as a result of Health Endowment funded research that ALL results MUST be public. The basenji community is dedicated to irradicating this disease and has done everything possible to educate people and make information available.

    If you are considering adding a basenji to your family, check the facts! Go to OFA, and search for the results yourself. Verify the information independently. It is awful to say, but don't take it on faith, it is too heartbreaking to find out later that you were not told the truth.

  • There is no excuse for mating two carriers, I am horrified anyone would even consider doing this, and to pass off affected puppies to unsuspecting people is just criminal.

    I am so sorry Foreveramber, I hope Zoe is lucky and has a long and healthy life ahead of her, better you have found out now and can be vigilant. I can't believe anyone would do this, its callous.

    Is it worth contacting AKC and reporting this, its against all ethics.

  • If you are considering adding a basenji to your family, check the facts! Go to OFA, and search for the results yourself. Verify the information independently. It is awful to say, but don't take it on faith, it is too heartbreaking to find out later that you were not told the truth.

    The above statement from Ivoss should appear front and center on the BRAT web page, the BCOA web page, the banner on the home page of this forum, and any breeder site on the web in the largest font size available.

    Bravo, Ivoss.

  • If you notice, many breeders that have websites, on their pages about their upcoming litters, has the OFA link for people to go directly to OFA and see for themselves.

  • This whole situation is so sad. The woman that sold this pup effectively perpetrated a fraud. I know a number of BCOA members know this person and her daughter from showingโ€ฆand they are now aware of this story. What a horrible, horrible person to put this heartache on an unsuspecting buyer.

    Forever Amber, please stay, none of us are upset at you...we are upset for you. While I would love to see you return the pup and make this the breeder's problem (did you have a health guarantee/warranty), I can understand bonding with the pup. If you change your mind, please contact Alex to get my personal email...I know of two BCOA members on the east coast (responsible breeders) who each have a pup available that are fanconi clear, and whose parents are otherwise health tested as well. One is a red & white girl, one is black & white boy...again, both clears.

    I hope if you keep the pup, that you have many years of happiness and health. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Forever Amberโ€ฆ. How are things going?

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