Thanks for the quick response… however, in reviewing the airline's site, the large sherpa carrier is too tall. So it'll have to be a smaller one. Or I can't bring the baby home at my feet -- and there's no way the little tyke is making the trip in cargo, because a) I think it's an incredibly bad idea... and b) Even if I didn't, it's February and I'm betting the airline would think it was a bad idea too.
Will a smaller one be okay? It's just over an hour's flight and, as I say, the puppy will be 11 weeks. I recognize that in this case bigger really is better... but given the alternatives, I'm trying to come up with something that will work.
Also... I'm still looking for some advice regarding a crate. I am leaning towards a larger crate that can be divided for use during the puppy stage and then once more room is needed (and housetraining accomplished!) the divider can be removed. Thoughts?