• What a tiger!

  • Beautiful pup! This is a son of Chris Maxka's Pi isn't it? Who is his dam?

  • Thank you!
    His parents are Tad Brook's Pistol and Camille… BISS CH Meisterhaus Politically Correct and Ch. Meisterhaus Tears & Tantrums.
    Anyone who is interested in such things can check out his pedigree here:
    And one more photo just for fun…

  • That´s right… Demian is Pi´s son. He looks so much alike his daddy. 🙂

    The mother is french born "Thai of Swala Pala" (Amber), daugther to "Signet Jay-R Hot Damn". Pi fathered a litter of seven puppies (AI) with her - 5 brindle, 2 r/w.

    Here is a photo of Amber:


  • gorgeous pup. im in love 😃

  • Amber and I with the whole litter last december.;)

  • Oh, look - A whole pile of tiger puppies! They're beautiful! Congrats!

  • Long time, no see… but here we are again.

    Demian is 14 month old now!

    He is really sweet and pretty well behaved (for a Basenji) and we love him to pieces. 😃

  • Welcome back and belated congrats on your baby.
    Demian is looking good:D
    I'll be back over in Germany for the breed club show in August with my mother as I'm writing the critiques for her.

  • He is absolutely gorgeous! I don't see many brindles so love the pictures; thanks for sharing!!

  • I did not look who is judging yet. What a sweet surprise!! 😃

    So i guess i will bring Casia to add some british flair!

    It will be so good to see you guys again.


  • @ljsabo:

    He is absolutely gorgeous! I don't see many brindles so love the pictures; thanks for sharing!!

    They are the HIT in Germany since a few years and become more and more comon.

    I was actually never too fond of the colour but than i saw Pi and i knew i would really love to add him to my breeding.

    We liked the litter so much that we kept Demian with us.

    If you would have told me just two years ago that i would have a brindle one day… well i would not have believed it.

    Never say never and what can i say... my heart still beats for the black/whites but the brindles are gorgeous, too. 😉

    Now we just need a tri... in ca. 15 years or i will have a colapse with six B?s at home. :p

  • If you would have told me just two years ago that i would have a brindle one day… well i would not have believed it.

    I'm another one that said they would never have a brindle;)

  • They are infiltrating.. aren?t they?! 😉

  • Oh how I love brindle boys!

  • @sircanda:

    They are infiltrating.. aren?t they?! 😉

    Too right:D

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