• As I have stated in other threads Nicky has only ever yodeled twice in 11 years. Last night he yodeled for the third time ever. Why did he yodel, you might ask.

    Last night Nicky yodeled because he wanted his son Clark to stop playing with Rio and play with him! He became so frustrated that Clark did not notice his play bow, did not notice his tail wiggle, did not notice him jumping all over the place that he finally resorted to yodeling. What did he get for his efforts? He got leaped on and wrestled with, exactly what he wanted.

  • Cute story! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Hahahahaah!
    Nicky got noticed!
    Isn't it odd when they do that. It sounds so foreign when it comes from one who is usually silent. 🙂
    Yeah Nicky!!!!

  • Yeah Nicky! Maybe he will start yodeling a bit more now he has noticed that it has effect 🙂

  • Awh! That's such a great story…Shango's 2 and he's only yodeled once!

  • Cory is a pretty good yodeler but Jayden has only yodeled a few times and it has been when he thought he was starving to death and we were getting his bowl to him waaaay too slow!


  • Chance has only yodeled 3 times in 2 years. He is the quite type. We try to get it out of him but he just won't do it. 😞
    Kiya on the other hand…makes every noise in the world.

  • Nicky has always been the quiet type. He can howl and scream when he is unhappy and he does do both to make sure that we know that he is unhappy but he doesn't normally make the happy noises. It is not due to lack of exposure, he lives with 3 yodeling fools who Barooo! daily. He has also never been much a tail wagger. He does it only when he is very excited or wants something very badly like for the lure and when he wants the girls to play with him.

    It is funny because I think Clark is going to be very much like his father. He does not yodel even though the girls yodel at him frequently. It will be interesting to see what he does with his new family. They have 3 basenjis but I don't know if they are yodelers or not.

  • OMG, what a cute story! 😃

  • Awwwww such a sweet sound to us Basenji lovers… Bella yodels whenever we ask her to talk to us and it is beautiful, but the weirdest yodel I ever heard from her: In the middle of the night in my bed I wake up to the most sad, mournful howling sound... It was her, she had sat straight up in bed with her head tilted back just wailing one long ROOOOOOooooo! Then she just lay back down and slept on... She must have had a bad dream and it sent chills down my spine!

  • Zoe is only 1/2 Basenji and does bark. But she also has a strange sound I'm not sure about. It's a strange yell. Is that a Basenji howl? It almost sounds human.

  • Awww, how cute.

  • @Terry:

    Zoe is only 1/2 Basenji and does bark. But she also has a strange sound I'm not sure about. It's a strange yell. Is that a Basenji howl? It almost sounds human.

    Does it sound like a combination of car tires screeching to a halt, fingernails scraping down a chalkboard, and a woman being bludgeoned to death? If so, welcome to the infamous Basenji scream, hehe.

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