Because of course you've all seen the round robin game. They each get their own bone, etc. but the grass is always greener on the other side so they have to go around stealing each other's a few times before finally settling in to actually eat. lol
Ha, ha, ha…yes I've definitely seen that one. Brando ALWAYS wants what Ruby has, even if he doesn't like it (carrots, stingray tails are what come to mind that he doesn't like). He'll steal hers, and have his treat (usually a bully stick) and then he has everything. So of course, I have to intervene because he will tell her off if she attempts to get her treat back, even though he just wants to look at it :rolleyes: and not eat it.
The trade up usually works, but so does off or drop it (mind you, he doesn't let it go the second I ask, but his grasp on it definitely lightens and then eventually he drops it), but it is an ongoing battle until he decides to just enjoy what he has. Worse comes to worse and a trade doesn't work, or if it is an emergency, I can put my hand in and remove something from his mouth (and the same with Ruby) without any fear of a bite or a growl. My biggest problem with Brando he is super strong, so until he gives up (even slightly), there isn't much I can do to physically open his jaw, so that is why the off or drop it are key.