Vacuums = Curious little animals
Tayda is intrigued by the vaccum cleaner. She will stay clear, but always alert about where it is going… she tries to stay about 2 feet away... and then she will STRIKE like a cobra! It's really funny.
Lenny could care less.
Brando ignores the vacuum…Ruby circles away from it and then runs toward it and pounces on it :D…pretty funny, although it takes forever to vacuum a room when she constantly jumps on it.
+1- This is what Shango does! He's not afraid of it, just endlessly curious- I think he tries to play with it!
Ooooooooooooooh my … dragging the 'surprise' around ... UGH!!! LOL
This is a funny thread. :) I have one who's kinda skiddish of the vacuum, one who really doesn't care, and one who loves to attack.
Mojo gets wound up when he hears the vacuum and will follow me around lunging at it. He is quite the character in all that he does. lol
I decided to make a video since he's too funny. I used the Dust Buster, as that is my favorite thing to tease him with. They were off in the other room but when I started it up Mojo came running as usual. Roxie the scaredy cat came to check it out but then left.
:D :D Did he finally get to chomp it to death?
Nope, he doesn't care about it unless it's actually on. lol He'll take a couple stabs at it, then back off till you turn it on again. If I wave it around and stick it at him while it's turned off, he won't do anything. We keep it on the floor in the corner, so it's readily available if he ever wants to take out any stress on it. :)
Indy is terrified of the vacuum. I usually pick up all of his things before starting the process but when he was little it was a game. I put stuff in the crate, he takes it out. Finally I would get tired of following him around and just start vacuuming. He would run in terror and hide under the bed.
BUT his toys would still be out there, helpless, going to be eaten by the monster…gasp. So he would sneak to the door of the room I was in gather up all of his courage, wait until the vacuum and I turned our back, dash in and grab one toy. Repeat untill all toys have been rescued and are paying proper hommage to their basenji master. I used to call these his "rescue missions". This happened for about three months.
Now he still hates the vacuum but has figured out that I control it and when I pick his stuff up he should just leave it there. He still runs into another room but no longer cowers under something.
Indy was never the most brave. When we took him home as a baby we had three toys for him, a little rope thing, a life sized puppy, and duck (stuffed animal). He would trot endlesly around the house with the two smaller toys in his mouth with his best show prance, occasionally stoping to put it down, wait around for someone to take it and then pick it back up again and bring it over to dh or I as if to say "see its still mine!!!!!". So toys are a prised possession in our house. Especially since they are all his.
Running the Roomba today, Mejdai followed it about 2 feet behind it, and then made a couple quick dashes to save a couple toys that he hasn't touched in weeks. It's so much more fun now that my horrible roommate moved out and Medjai can run free again. I also took a couple pictures you may be interested in.
My parents got me the artwork while they were on their trip in Egypt. Also where this next photo was taken.
Great pics, he is a handsome Basenji! The artwork is fascinating, too!!!:D Comparing the two makes it hard to deny the Basenjis roots in Ancient Egypt…