Does anyone give these meaty bones as treats?

  • I bought Tayda and Lenny these femur bones from the pet store that still have some of the dried meat/fat/marrow on them. They come shrink wrapped in plastic and they LOVE them. They chew on the SO vigorously that I'm wondering if they can chip a tooth or something?


  • I don't use what you found at the pet store but I give Luny big soup bones (raw with some meat attached) as the breeder recommended it, which I can get at the local grocery. She told me and I've read elsewhere that the raw bones help clean their teeth.
    I'd be concerned about how the pet store bones were processed. They don't look like they were simply dried but maybe smoked (natural or chemical smoke?). Do they have flavor added (again natural or chemical)?

  • @wizard:

    I don't use what you found at the pet store but I give Luny big soup bones (raw with some meat attached) as the breeder recommended it, which I can get at the local grocery. She told me and I've read elsewhere that the raw bones help clean their teeth.
    I'd be concerned about how the pet store bones were processed. They don't look like they were simply dried but maybe smoked (natural or chemical smoke?). Do they have flavor added (again natural or chemical)?

    I've found some sterilized beef bones at Petsmart that are "100% natural". My B absolutely loves them, even unfilled. Best part is they are cheap and extremely long lasting. I know my parent's two dogs have a couple that are probably 5-6 years old. They simply do not break down easily.

    Not the exact kind I get. I get ones that are smaller.

  • I do use shank or long bones too, but yes they can be harder on the teeth. It's better to just use knuckle (joint) bones.

    I've gotten the sliced up shanks from the grocery store (they usually have them seasonally for soup making), and usually get knuckles from a butcher. But Nature's Variety sells frozen raw bones too. I try to steer clear of most pet store bones, but the NV ones are good, and I also have some of the Merrick shank bones. These are the ones I've gotten:

    I steer away from anything that's been cooked or smoked.

  • I buy the raw "soup" bones, cut into 2 inch lengths, from the grocery store. The dogs love working the marrow out of the bones.

  • I also do the raw marrow type bones.
    I get them from the grocery store, they cut them from the shank bones and make them to the size I want.
    My b's love them and they have not had to have a dental cleaning since I started them on them.
    My girl is 7 and my boy is 9

  • How often do you give them the soup or marrow bones? So far I've only been doing this twice a week with a half turkey neck on Sundays. Is this too much (I cut back a little on his kibble on those days)?

  • I give them 1 in marrow bones frozen 3 times a week.
    They love them and it takes them a bit longer to get the marrow out, when its frozen.
    Like a meat popsicle.

  • Maybe I should have started a new thread but this seemed relevant … I bought some new bones from the grocery store yesterday and when I opened the package to put them in the freezer I became concerned. The packaging was very misleading -- the portions showing were about 1 cm thick but the rest is very very thin but covered with a fair amount of meat (not just the marrow). In fact these weren't cross cuts at all but more like the butcher cut the bone on an angle and some are like prongs. I tossed away a couple because they were almost paper thin. Should I just dump this load altogether? I've never seen bones cut this way -- maybe they have a new butcher.

  • I don't know about giving the b's these type of bones.
    If they are thin, they could chew them up…but to be safe, I would stick with uncooked shank or knuckle bones.

  • I give uncooked meaty bones 3 times a week to my Duna, The ones you use for the broth or meat soups and i get them from my local butcher that puts them away for me when i do the weekly meat shopping. Natural meaty bones are always the best!

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