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Tayda's first follow up!

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Well… I just heard back from Dr. Gonto - he says the test results look normal.. just that the disease has progressed faster than we would like. So she's on 4 bicarbs 2x/day now, add in all the other pills and she's taking a total of 14-16 pills per day. go back in 3 months for another check. Sigh....

    Some good news though - she has not lost weight and is otherwise healthy and feeling well.

    Lenny missed his partner in crime while we were at the vet today. We got back and he had poo'd/peed in the crate, ripped up the pillows in his crate as well as the ones on TOP! Poor little fella is not used to being alone...

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Well… I just heard back from Dr. Gonto - he says the test results look normal.. just that the disease has progressed faster than we would like. So she's on 4 bicarbs 2x/day now, add in all the other pills and she's taking a total of 14-16 pills per day. go back in 3 months for another check. Sigh....

    Some good news though - she has not lost weight and is otherwise healthy and feeling well.

    Lenny missed his partner in crime while we were at the vet today. We got back and he had poo'd/peed in the crate, ripped up the pillows in his crate as well as the ones on TOP! Poor little fella is not used to being alone...

    Well… some good news and hopefully she will settle in with the protocol... and no surprise from Lenny....gggg

    And not to steal this thread... but this is just the reason that before breeding all Basenjis should be tested so that no one ever has to go through this heartbreak ... and never again have to shove all this pills down their Basenji....

    Hugs to you and Tayda... and Lenny too....

  • Good thoughts being sent that she settles into the protocol now….and hugs being sent to you all. It's good that she's healthy otherwise.

    Oh Lenny, lololol, your mom is going to have to stock up on pillows!

  • Its funny you say that because I JUST got back from stocking up on pillows! I stopped spending $20-30 on bed pillows a long time ago, I was sewing and stuffing them myself but now - I'm just got the standard size bed pillows and using those - they're a perfect size for the b's - $2.50 at wal-mart! I just got 4! and pillowcases pack of 2 for $6. So now the B's have 4 new beds for about $5.50 each!

  • here's some pics of them enjoying their new beds!


  • Looks like mixed emotions, but all in all she's doing good. She's taking her meds and appearing happy and healthy, that's the most important thing! :) It's a bummer her numbers had to drop so soon but hopefully she'll start to level out and ease your stress. Hugs to little Tayda!

    PS…Mojo says way to go son on the pillows, I taught you well! LOL

  • Here's hope that she continues to work well with the protocol you've established.

  • I'm happy to read also some good news…

    Give our hugs to Tayda... :)

  • Here's a little good news - I got the rest of Tayda's bloodwork back today and it seems my switching her food to a senior diet DID help bring her BUN and Creatinine down. She was on the verge of going into renal failure before but now her numbers are all smack dab in the middle of normal. yay!


  • That is great news and I hope she continues to do well!!


  • I am glad to hear there was some good news. I know that feeling that you have the day before your appointment. Not knowing which way things are heading. You have a lot of people out here hoping, praying and crossing fingers.
    With Marley, her Bun and creatinine would vary from visit to visit. Sometimes elevated, which would make us worry about the next appointment, then back down. Please give them extra hugs from us and keep us posted.

  • Great on the good news!! :) And we'll just have to keep prayin on the not so good news :( I'm so glad little Tater is handling it well. Poor Lenny that has to be away from his partner during these visits.

    By the way thanks for the pillow tip ;) I can't tell you how much $$ I've spent on dog beds :eek:

  • Congratulations on the good news - here's hoping things continue to get better or at least no worse.

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