• Poor Booger has been sneezing a lot lately. Yesterday I noticed that sometimes he sneezes a tiny bit of blood. During the winter, my nose always gets dry & I often have a similar problem. I'm not very concerned about the blood, I'm more concerned that he's probably not very comfortable.
    Should I buy a humidifier or something? He doesn't seem to be in pain or anything, but I'm sure its not exactly pleasant. What can I do to alleviate the dry conditions or fix his nostrils?

  • Are you sure that he didn't get something up his nose? Dogs don't usually sneeze a lot unless there is an irritant causing the sneezing. Here in California, foxtails are the usual culprit.

  • Can dogs get sinus infections?

    I add humidity to the house daily this time of year. I use a stove top steamer pot and add a little "liquid scent" just because it smells pretty.

    I tried a humidifier for a short time and gave it away. Too much moisture in the air (hard to regulate, too much moisture stays in the room the humidifier is in), and the thing needed to be cleaned and sanitized all the time or the mold/mildew spores were airbourne and played hell with the allergies.

    The steamer/simmer pot is easy to clean and regulate.

  • @lvoss:

    Are you sure that he didn't get something up his nose? Dogs don't usually sneeze a lot unless there is an irritant causing the sneezing. Here in California, foxtails are the usual culprit.

    He's been sneezing since the weather started changing a couple of months ago, and we just thought it was seasonal allergies. We're going to take him to the vet tomorrow.

  • All of my dogs came down with an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) a few months ago. There was a lot, and I mean a lot, of sneezing and a lot of, um, well, there's no nice way to put it - dog snot. We don't know if the Bs picked it up at a show or if the lab picked it up at the kennel but after about ten days of antibiotics they were fine. Definitely not dry sneezes though.

  • @Kebasmom:

    All of my dogs came down with an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) a few months ago. There was a lot, and I mean a lot, of sneezing and a lot of, um, well, there's no nice way to put it - dog snot. We don't know if the Bs picked it up at a show or if the lab picked it up at the kennel but after about ten days of antibiotics they were fine. Definitely not dry sneezes though.

    Were there any other symptoms? His nose has been a little runny (little wet spots are left behind where his face was when he wakes up), and when he sneezes its a typical wet sneeze, but not a lot of snot other than that to speak of.

  • They were a little lethargic but I knew it was something when they all three came down with it one at a time. Has he been out in public around other dogs lately? URIs are contagious. They started out with just a few sneezes and then - whoa! mucho sneezing and snorting.

  • We decided to take Booger to the vet this evening. The doctor seems to think its just allergies to something in his environment. He recommended antihystamines & possibly antibiotics. He said if those don't improve it, we might want to have a culture taken from his nose. So we got some Benadryl, and hopefully his condition will improve over the next day or two.

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