Sherwood's Breeding Plans
The loss of appetite has been going on maybe 4-5 days. I changed the brand of food at that time and at first thought she just didn't like the new food. So I switched back to the old brand last night and she barely nibbled it. Today I gave her a spoon of yogurt and some cottage cheese, two things she normally loves, and she barely licked it. I'm not really worried but I will continue to keep a close eye on her.
Poor Bindi! She looks uncomfortable. I'm really excited to hear about the puppies coming. Hopefully for both you and Bindi, it will be soon, smooth, and uncomplicated.
Saying prayers and keeping fingers and toes crossed that all goes well and you soon have good puppy news (and pictures) to share.
Pat & Larry
Cory and Jayden -
Bindi started having contractions about 11 am and puppy #1 was born at 2:16 pm. It was a hard delivery. The pup was head first but turned sideways and Bindi had a hard time getting it out. The pup is a red girl and she hit the ground running! This little gal is possibly the most vigorous pup I have ever seen. She has done so many laps around the puppy pen that I just started calling her "Lady Nascar". :p
Being a dog breeder can be one of the most rewarding hobbies but at times, it can be one of the saddest. Puppy #2, a tri male, was stillborn at 3:54 pm. He was born breech and Bindi had a rough time getting him out. Puppy #3, a tri female, was stillborn at 5:10 pm. Both puppies had the skin on the top of their heads missing, exposing their skulls. This is a first for me and I'm sure I'm going to have nightmares about it. :(
Bindi is exhausted and she is napping with Lady Nascar. Thusfar, Bindi's milk has not come in. Bindi is still rather large so I don't think she is through giving birth. I sincerely hope any remaining pups are alive and healthy but I really just want Bindi (and the pup) to be ok.
Oh Robyn….such a bitter sweet day for you. Still sending good thoughts and prayers to you, Bindi and little 'Lady Nascar' (actually I'm calling her Danica in my head--I know that's Indy, but she's just sooo pretty)
Big basenji hugs from Katie and Ty to Bindi,
Dawn -
Robyn, we are so sorry about the two stillborn pups. I hope #1 continues to thrive and Bindi does fine. Please continue to keep us informed. Still saying prayers that all goes well….
With my Fatia's litter I have one pup with exposed skull…. he was born 4 hrs after the other 4... A worse breeders nightmare.. he was still alive and I had to get him to the Vet to be PTS, asap.....
So sorry for the still borns....Another reason for xrays before birth... we knew that there was at least 4 but there was a 5th we thought, and so that was right... and so when she only whelped 4 in 2 hrs, we knew there was a problem.... and was able to stay in touch with the Vet... and deal with the last pup....
4th puppy arrived stillborn at 9:56 pm. It's head was open with an exposed skull too. As far as I can tell, Bindi's milk has not let down either. I'll be at the vet's office when they open in the morning. Hopefully Bindi's milk will flow by then but if not, a shot of oxytocin should clean her out and bring in the milk.
I am stunned. I just don't believe this is happening. THREE puppies in one litter? WTH is going on here? :(