• Yesterday I brought home my new family members, Tino and Robyn. They are from Starfyre Basenjis, Tino is 12 years old and Robyn is 7. They are fantastic, so sweet and well-behaved!! I was nervous about how they would handle the transition, but it feels like they have always belonged here. They are pretty good in the backyard but I am still nervous about how they might do out there unattended, so I am watching. I left them home alone for 1 hour today and they were no trouble at all. However, I plan on remaining alert for typical b antics! We went for a walk and I believe they will need some training here, I am thinking it might be best to take them one at a time to work with them.

    This is their first time staying in the house day and night…they seem to love it!

    I will continue to rely on this great community to help me adjust to my new life...

  • Congrats on the new additions and thanks for adopting the older gen!

  • Congrats. They both look so comfy in the pictures.

  • Congrats! Enjoy your new family members 🙂 They look great!

  • Yay for Starfyre!! My Zip was not bred there but she lived there a couple years and was intended to be included in the breeding program. Denise's plans for her changed so she was available as a golden opportunity about a year ago. We probably met your two when we visited Denise. Congratulations on your new additions. And kudos for adopting the older B, that is wonderful!

  • Congratulations on your new ready made family!

    Oldies ARE goodies!

  • Congrats…. and I know Robyn, she is a sweetie...

  • Bless your heart! May you make wonderful memories together. :):):):):)

  • Congrats on your new additions..they look like they've made themselves right at home! I met Tino last year…he was a doll.

  • Awwww congrats! They look like real sweetie pies!!!

  • they certainly look like they are home!

  • thanks everyone! I am delighted to hear some of you know Robyn and Tino! I am so blessed to have had your input!

    I'm curious about somethings…Tino has been clicking is teeth when he sniffs Robyn. Does this mean she is almost in heat?

    And Robyn has a habit of dancing back and forth on her front paws, it is too cute! But I have no idea what she means...is this common?

  • Congrats!!!!! What a sweeties….

    Have fun with them!

  • Congrats on adopting the "older" generation!

  • @Tumimom:

    thanks everyone! I am delighted to hear some of you know Robyn and Tino! I am so blessed to have had your input!

    I'm curious about somethings…Tino has been clicking is teeth when he sniffs Robyn. Does this mean she is almost in heat?

    And Robyn has a habit of dancing back and forth on her front paws, it is too cute! But I have no idea what she means...is this common?

    I would have thought that Robyn would be spayed?

  • Denise thinks she wants to breed her one more time and then we will spay her.

  • Robyn is a love, I agree!

    Tino's clacking might indicate she's getting close, although this isn't the 'usual' time of year. I would definitely keep an eye on her, just in case.


  • I'm glad they are adapting well to their new home. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with them.

    Just curious, is Tino intact as well?

  • Tino has been neutered. I thought it was an unusual time of year, too. Maybe she is on the end of the cycle?

  • Cool. That would be a complicated situation to say the least if they were both intact and she is in her heat cycle.

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