I definitely thing all trainers are different, this one we have now is not doing some things we learned when I took Otis for OB training, but then again he is doing some things we didn't do then.
We have one more class/graduation next sunday then we are off to intermediate as well.
Iron Hound, Day 1 LGRA Results
There is a huge basenji entry this weekend in the NCWC Iron Hound event. 13 competing for the title of Iron Hound and 16 basenji running in LGRA today. I'll have to look up registered names later but here are the results.
LGRA Results
1 - Feigh 5 GRC, 5 National Points - New Gazehound Race Champion
2 - Beauty 3 National Points
3 - Echo 3 GRC, .75 Nationals Points - New Gazehound Race Champion
4 - Rio .75 National Points
5 - Sophie 1.5 GRC Points
6 - HiJinx
7 - Trii Me
8 - Cole
9 - Crash
10 - Catcher
11 - Dani
12 - Levi
13 - Rally
14 - Drew
15 - TC
16 - Winifred