I don't understand why a responsible pet owner (not only breeders can be responsible.. pet owners can be as well) can't make the decision of letting their dogs unfixed, because it is not a problem to them..
I'm a pet owner as well.. so should Tillo be fixed? Why? He's not bothering anyone.. (and he's very attached to his balls.. (in more ways than one :eek: ) ;))
To ensure against an accidental breeding with an unknown bitch should he ever escape your home/yard.
For me the question is why NOT fix him if you don't plan to breed. That is the only way to ensure there's no litter produced accidentally. Esp. for the owner of a male dog,who could get out and impregnate an unknown bitch. You would not have a clue nor any say in the outcome - what happens to the puppies, etc.
Even the most responsible pet owner has the potential for a pet getting out the door, out of the car, under a fence, etc.
Not saying YOU should neuter him if you don't want to, I just don't understand the mindset for taking that risk.