• I know some of you might feel as if its too soon for me to get another Basenji as it has only been a few months since Jack passed, but Ive done my research and made some breeder home visits and I have Fallen in LOVE with a breeders pack in my area! Im wondering since Ive never gotten a Basenji Puppy before, if I will be ready…I feel like another DAY without a Barrrrrooo in My home is a wasted day...Thank God for Aiden because if I didnt have my son I know I couldnt have healed this fast. Our plan is to have a pet again and my husband wants to train for foul hunting. My only worry is we are in a brand new home in housing...though MUCH bigger, I am of course worried about chewing and accidents but Im ready and willing! Im open for advice and opinions! If its okay with Gretchen, Im planning of getting a puppy from Kokopelli Basenjis here in CT. I ADORE her bitch and CANT wait!! The pack is just a PERFECT temperment!!! So kind and beautiful!! But MUCH smaller than Jack! (this is a good thing!!) Im hoping for a Red and White Male but who knows i might fall in love this a complete oppisite!! Any thoughts?? Opinions or Advice?? Let me know!!:p

  • Be sure that the sire and dam are DNA tested for Fanconi, please… that is the best thing you can do, besides other health testing, hips, eyes, thyroid to name a few.

  • GOOD FOR YOU. Don't you worry about the timing…if you have found a pack that you enjoy and seems right for you then just know that Jack made sure you found them.

    It's soo good to see a post from you again. Welcome back, and get ready...ah puppies SOOO much work...... But so rewarding. One thought, I know how much you loved Jack.. Maybe a Red and White male is not the best at this time, I might consider waiting untill you are ready for another one to get one that similar. But Really that is just a thought.. get what feels right. Is the breeder actually letting you choose?

    Again welcome back, You have been missed. 🙂

  • She get POL but as long as a give my deposit its first come first serve i think. She is Fanconi free and all tests are before i get the puppy and her B's look PERFECT to me!! lol…Boy i got my B fix when I was there!! I know it might be tough for me to have a Red Male like Jack but its my FAV!! It doesnt really matter whether its a male or not...

  • You should check out the test, for your own piece of mind… it is what is recommended, test results should be available on www.offa.org. And yes, if DNA tested clear (or at worse carrier bred to clear) they would be Fanconi Free. The tests are really on the Sire and Dam… not the puppy, with the exception of an eye exam......

    And yes, that would have been my question too about picking the pup... most times the breeder picks the right puppy for the family... not that often that you can go in and just pick one.... remember that the breeder in raising the pups, know them, each of their temperaments and can pick the pup that best suits the new home situation... once in a while there are two the same...

  • You know from time to time some of us post 'after' the fact when someone has gotten a puppy from a place that we may have some knowledge of. I would not presume to speak for others - but it's a ton easier to talk to people about some of the not so hot breeders (that look good when you first meet them) than to deal with sad situations after the fact.

    I would be happy to alert you to any issues with the person or prospective puppies that I may be aware of.

    You know the next state over from me has an operation that on the web looks great - and when you meet her dogs seems ok - but tons of health issues and how the animals are really raised is not what you see. I would not presume to say that is the case BUT - if any one is considering getting a B pupppy - I hope you will make an informed decision.

  • Please, do your homework.
    MAKE sure what your told is correct.
    The fanconis results are posted…and if you don't see them, then they have NOT been done.
    Hugs for wanting another b...but please, take care.

  • @dmcarty:

    You know the next state over from me has an operation that on the web looks great - and when you meet her dogs seems ok - but tons of health issues and how the animals are really raised is not what you see. I would not presume to say that is the case BUT - if any one is considering getting a B pupppy - I hope you will make an informed decision.

    Allow me to venture a guess….are you referring to Hestekin Hills?

  • this spammer is a bother…Did you ever get your puppy Cpt jack?

  • Unfortunately we were one short on our litter and therefore unless someone backs out at the last minute we don't get a puppy…we are still working for it of course and trying all our options! Pray for us!! THANKS

  • I do know some breeders who will have puppies that you might want to consider.

  • Thank you DM, Im VERY open to any ideas you might have! Thanks!!


  • If you click on my profile you will see my website and can contact me from there - I don't want to share contact info for people who have not subscribed to this list but will be happy to give you a couple of names.



  • Hi everyone and merry christmas
    I recently found a dog roaming the streets. He was not tagged and I was unable to locate the owner. I still have him (much to the chagrin of my westie!). He is very cute and very sweet.

    I had never heard about the breed until a friend of mine ran into a woman with a basenji that she says looks incredibly like my new stray/rescue.
    Having read a little about basenjis, "Chester" looks and behaves incredibly like the breed characteristics listed on the basenji web sites. Ill try to post a picture!! Hope it works.
    Have a happy new year all!!

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:



    That is great…congrats... do you know which one yet?... and you certainly picked a good breeder

  • Congrats on finding a new B -

    Note to Maui Girl re: the previous question you had - yes you are right that's one that I was referring to.

  • Yes we are getting one of the Red and White males. But i BELIEVE we will be getting the male who is FAR Left on the picture where there are all laying in a pattern and the FAR Right for the face pictures of them!!

  • look like really nice pups. i'm smitten with that little tri. (course i need another tri like a whole in the head)

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