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Female aggression to older female

Behavioral Issues
  • Sharron is right and she means that you will have to always keep the two dogs separate (ie: running two packs)… typically with "blood" fights, bitches never forget and the fights only get worse... been there, done that

  • My two will also fight off and on. Sometimes I have to separate them and run them separate from each other. Especially during heat season. Some dogs just do not get along. However, I can run them together most of the time. I can now see most of the signals that they are escalating into fighting mode. If you favour one over the other, they will sense it and will try to dominate the other. I also have an older female cattle dog as well. My first female has just started to show signs of trying to dominate her. The CD is getting older and more feeble and showing signs of weakness. So, the basenji is trying to oust her from her place. This will continue, I suspect, until the CD expires. This is what would also happen in the wild. IMO. I'm sure Pat and Lisa can explain further what I mean, as my thoughts usually do not translate into a language most people understand.

  • We will have our new besenji mix spayed within the next 4 to 5 weeks, will that help? I can detect some behavior when things might get testy and I distract the young one with a firm call out of her name. I'm not sure I understand about getting another dog! Get one more for the young one to bond with and keep them seperate from the older ones? Is that right?

  • @gpmars:

    We will have our new besenji mix spayed within the next 4 to 5 weeks, will that help? I can detect some behavior when things might get testy and I distract the young one with a firm call out of her name. I'm not sure I understand about getting another dog! Get one more for the young one to bond with and keep them seperate from the older ones? Is that right?

    Spaying may or may not help with the Basenji mix…(or any dog for that matter) she just might be dominate and want to be "top dog" in the pack and will keep challenging the other until either she is top dog or kills the other dog... and make no mistake.. in a dominance fight it can be to the death.

    My suggestion would be that you keep them separate and that would most likely be for their entire lives.... I don't recommend another dog at all. And I don't really see any post that recommended getting another dog? Maybe I am just missing something.

    The message from Nomrbddgs was that in her "pack" she has an older bitch that has been top dog in the pack, but with age now, one of the younger ones is trying to "oust" her in the pack order

  • My mistake! Sharon said run 2 packs, I thought that meant get another dog to have 2 packs. I guess I can keep my dogs seperated. There has never been a problem when they are alone all day long. The problem is when the older dog gets any affection from us and the young one jumps right in and starts to fight.

  • Not sure about 2 females i have 1 female and 2 males and sometimes they have a tiff except a few mths back they really got into a show down fight my B acaully got part of his ear bit off :( since then i have taken ALOT of steps making sure this doesnt happen again .. I contacted ALOT of trainers even ceasar milan and was told the same thing U need to reaffrem that u are the leader not anyone of them. So that is what i have been doing for a few mths now and they seem to be back to buddies i did take any triggers away from them No toys unless it's one on one play time or they can play with toys but I don't play with them unless there alone also when ever one of the boys gets out of line with a growl or such i step in My other male is also a cattledog mix a cattledog/ terrier mix . Sorry i can't help ya with 2 females never been there but with 2 males I know the key is to keep them on there toes with u being the pack leader both boys now know when " Momma" gets upset and i walk over to them they go into a sit or a laydown and just look at me with that " I didn't do nothing look" lol I hope u can find a way to make it all work :) Good luck

  • We have two young Basenjis {female: age 3.5 and male: 1.5} and one 14 yr old Golden Retriever mix.

    Jazz, the B-female, is really snotty with Gypsy, the GRmix, and is getting worse as Gypsy ages – actually started getting worse once the little B-boy moved in.

    He is very aggressive in his play/actions with Jazz, often grabbing her neck so hard and dragging her to the point where she cries out and he won't let go until we make him.
    Before he moved in, she was very much the alpha dog between her and Gypsy. Gypsy never cared who was top dog, so it worked out well with the two females getting along fine and there was peace in the house most of the time.
    Once Keoki moved in and started pushing Jazz around, she seems to have reacted by being more assertive in her position over Gypsy.
    Also, Gypsy is definitely showing signs of aging -- hips giving out, stumbling a bit, etc -- and the more problems she has, the more snippy Jazzy gets with her. I think, as with nomrbddgs. she recognizes Gypsy's weakness and is taking advantage of it {Not that it's necessary because Gypsy doesn't care or ever try to be any kind of top dog}.

    It's hard to watch and kind of pisses me off sometimes -- Gypsy is the queen, you know! -- but I figure it will happen until G passes away.

    There's never any blood drawn though, just loud and vicious sounding growls whenever Gypsy does any thing at all, including dare to enter a room!

  • Thanks for all of your help. It just happened again, this time I was in another room when I arrived the young one had a mouthfull of the old dog, drew blood from her leg (lots of blood) around the shoulder area. The cattle dog was biting the besenji her face is all scared. Your right I have to keep them seperated at all times, too bad.

  • @gpmars:

    Thanks for all of your help. It just happened again, this time I was in another room when I arrived the young one had a mouthfull of the old dog, drew blood from her leg (lots of blood) around the shoulder area. The cattle dog was biting the besenji her face is all scared. Your right I have to keep them seperated at all times, too bad.

    Yes, it is… oh and hey, by the way.. it is "Basenji" not Besenji......:(

  • I knew that, no disrespect intended. I like the breed and hopefully we will enjoy this mix, she looks and behaves like a basenji more than an other breed.

  • I am sorry these dogs don't get along, but really, it will be best to keep them apart.
    They can hurt/kill each other, and often its silent and very, very ugly.
    Hugs for being committed to all your dogs.

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