• Is it normal for puppy B's to woof down their food in 2 seconds flat? My husband tends to think this is not healthy. We currently feed him twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. He gets 3/4 cup of dry food mixed with 2 tsp of wet food each time. He is 10 months old and weighs 19.5 lbs.

  • @Natalplum:

    Is it normal for puppy B's to woof down their food in 2 seconds flat? My husband tends to think this is not healthy. We currently feed him twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. He gets 3/4 cup of dry food mixed with 2 tsp of wet food each time. He is 10 months old and weighs 19.5 lbs.

    That is how my Maggii would eat…ggg... and then nicely "burp" into the bowl...

    Hard to use weight as a guide as each are built differently... how does he look? Can you see his ribs?... or just feel them if he is standing still? (should be feel them standing still).. but when running, you should be able to slightly see the outline of ribs.... but sounds to me like he is doing just fine....

  • I think it can cause some intestinal discomfort if they eat too quickly, and it may make them gassier than usual. Others will know more about that than me, probably.
    When Riley inhaled his food we would dole out his meals in about four portions. We put the 3/4 cup of kibble in a little container and put approx 1/4 of that in his bowl, ask for a sit, give it to him, on and on til he was done…He learned sit in no time doing it 4x just for one meal, haha. Now we give it all to him b/c he doesn't inhale it quite so quickly. We got the idea from the incredible all mighty Victoria Stilwell ("It's Me Or the Dog"). On her show she was dealing with a dog that ate too fast and she had the owners feed him slowly, in small bits.

  • I think it's fine for a puppy, but if it continues too much longer, you may want to try to feed a little at a time for those two meals to get him used to eating a little more slowly. As for the amounts, I have found that it matters more of what kind of food. By the sound of it, he should be just fine, at least he really likes the food.

    Medjai used to eat more quickly, but he has slowed down how he eats on his own, and will take a piece or two and run off with them and eat it elsewhere every couple days. I think I have to start feeding him in his crate again.

  • My kids devour their food seems like instantly. When they don't, I wonder what one or the other isn't feeling too good. When they were puppies, I fed them 3x's a day - dividing thier daily intake by 3. After 1 year old, I changed their schedule to 2x's a day. They each get 1/2 cup of dry kibble each meal - morning and evening. They also get added bits of left-over meat from our dinner a few times a week with their evening feeding. And of course - throughout every day - they get training treats. Sometimes I have to cut back just a little on their food for a few days at times when one or both begin to gain weight (my husband is way too generous with treats). Duke is 2-1/2 years and weight ranges 25-26 lbs. Daisy is 1-1/2 and weight ranges 31-33 lbs. They are both B-mixes.

  • My puggle, Chase, is a little piglet and he will scarf down his food and then go for our Basenji Zahra's. I use a Brake Fast Bowl to help him slow down.


  • Lola used to eat way too fast & she would be very gassy & throw up often after eating. We got her a bowl similar to the brake fast bowl… don't know the name but same concept & we just picked it up at the local PetSmart. Very inexpensive ($7 maybe)... it has plastic dividers to slow her down. I love it & highly recommend it! It completely stopped the throwing up & combined with a change in diet also cut down on smelly gas.

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