How can I save cost? (Rescued Pups)

  • I have to say that I agree with Pat & Lisa on this. If people didn't do their research in the first place about the breed and purchased from a BYB or pet store and never asked about health testing or researched the "breeder" they got their dog from, what makes anyone think that they will look up anything about health care about a basenji or know anything about Fanconi, how to test for it or how to care for it. If they don't get the real information here, where do you propose they get it? A sticky/link isn't enough.

    The problem with society today is that is everything is about immediate gratification and being disposable. What would be the reasons that someone doesn't spend time researching the breed…they want the dog immediately. And what happens if the animal gets sick...they give the dog up to a shelter. The Fanconi test/result is important so the dog can get proper early care...not so they will get "rid" of their dog.

    The only problem I have with any of the discussions that go on relative to breeding, is when members here who aren't breeders start "grilling" someone..."what does your dog have to offer"...that sort of thing (sometimes worded nicer). IMHO they are basically "parroting" what they've heard the breeders say without having anything to back it up with and should leave the breeding questions/advice to the breeders to answer.

    Maybe the "breeder section" of the forum should have a disclaimer of "enter at your own risk". 🙂 And I do also agree, that people come here looking to have their ideas/wants validated and it will be doing this community a great disservice if we have to "censor" our comments to only "be nice" and not truthful.

  • @Alex:


    Thank you for your comments. I agree life is not always "bowl of cherries" and sometimes tough questions need be asked, our mission here is to make this forum above all a friendly environment for people to share information.

    There are ways to be nice and respectful to others when getting your point across or asking tough questions. We also have forum rules in place and we expect everyone who is participating on the forum to follow them.

    Again, I think that lvoss did that with her posts in this subject as did the rest of us…. of course this post was a bit different as they came out right off the top wanting to know about breeding and cutting costs.

  • @renaultf1:

    The only problem I have with any of the discussions that go on relative to breeding, is when members here who aren't breeders start "grilling" someone…"what does your dog have to offer"...that sort of thing (sometimes worded nicer). IMHO they are basically "parroting" what they've heard the breeders say without having anything to back it up with and should leave the breeding questions/advice to the breeders to answer.

    Though I respect your right to have your opinion. I would like to point out that I am not 'Parroting" anyone on this site. If I am "Parroting" anyone it would be my parents who bred Goldens for 15 years. I understand compleatly that you feel this kind of information is best from breeders, but knowledge of why one should breed is not ONLY restricted to people who are activly breeding. As I stated in my post to the OP I am not a breeder, but these questions are questions that I DID ask each time I was looking for a pure breed. I think it is important to understand that, there are owners out there who feel exactly the same way as many responsible breeders when it comes to the questions one should ask themselves before putting a litter out there.

  • Like I said Pat, I don't know myself why BRAT doesn't test. I know that the cost for them is somewhat prohibitive. But I agree %100 with you that it is important for all owners of ANY breed to have good access from rescue orginizations as to the types of health problems that they should be aware of with the breed they are choosigng to welcome into their home.

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Though I respect your right to have your opinion. I would like to point out that I am not 'Parroting" anyone on this site. If I am "Parroting" anyone it would be my parents who bred Goldens for 15 years. I understand compleatly that you feel this kind of information is best from breeders, but knowledge of why one should breed is not ONLY restricted to people who are activly breeding. As I stated in my post to the OP I am not a breeder, but these questions are questions that I DID ask each time I was looking for a pure breed. I think it is important to understand that, there are owners out there who feel exactly the same way as many responsible breeders when it comes to the questions one should ask themselves before putting a litter out there.

    Very well put!

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Though I respect your right to have your opinion. I would like to point out that I am not 'Parroting" anyone on this site. If I am "Parroting" anyone it would be my parents who bred Goldens for 15 years. I understand compleatly that you feel this kind of information is best from breeders, but knowledge of why one should breed is not ONLY restricted to people who are activly breeding. As I stated in my post to the OP I am not a breeder, but these questions are questions that I DID ask each time I was looking for a pure breed. I think it is important to understand that, there are owners out there who feel exactly the same way as many responsible breeders when it comes to the questions one should ask themselves before putting a litter out there.

    Right…my opinion...and I did not specifically name you, did I...:rolleyes:

  • No you didn't, you simply eluded to some statements that I made in this very post. I am not trying to start a conflict with you. I am sorry IF you feel that is the case. I am simply stating my opinion as you state yours. You opened up a conversation relating to what I had posted and I responded. It's OK that we don't agree on everything, that is part of the joy of being a human. But I felt that I needed to respond to your comment, as even if it was not directed entirely at me (or at all at me) it related very directly to what I had posted previously.

  • @LiveWWSD:

    No you didn't, you simply eluded to some statements that I made in this very post. I am not trying to start a conflict with you. I am sorry IF you feel that is the case. I am simply stating my opinion as you state yours. You opened up a conversation relating to what I had posted and I responded. It's OK that we don't agree on everything, that is part of the joy of being a human. But I felt that I needed to respond to your comment, as even if it was not directed entirely at me (or at all at me) it related very directly to what I had posted previously.

    OMG…lighten up. I wasn't "eluding to" anything YOU said. I was actually not even referring to this thread...there were at least 2 other threads in the last couple of weeks that I was thinking of. isn't all about YOU, but I'm glad you can read my mind...then you know what I'm thinking right now. :rolleyes:

    Sometimes this place is too much. 😞

  • When you think about it, education of how to find a responsible breeder, how to find a responsibly bred dog (of any breed), understanding the health concerns of a breed should be the concern of any dog owner, IMO…. and regardless if you are a breeder or a pet owner, these are questions everyone should be asking...

  • Well then my apologies. As I said it seemed directly related to this thread. No I cannot real your mind which is why I used the word "if" in caps to try to indicate to you that I was not fully aware of your intentions. I certainly don't mean to cause you any stress. I am sorry that it appears you took it that way. I am not trying to be snarky at all, I realize that this breed, and really dogs in general, are one of thos things that I get so passionate about that I sometimes say things that come from my heart rather than my head and aren't thought out well enough to avoid offending people. I apologize to you Renaultf1, and to anyone else if I ever offend any of you on this board.

    To everyone: Please know that I only come to this site because I am interested in hearing what ALL of you have to say. There may be times that we disagree. But if I didn't respect each and every person here for their conviction in their beliefs, and the information and knowledge that they are willing to share, I would simply not post or read on the forums.

    OK I think that is the end of me trying to be serious, it seems to open potential for upsetting people too much. 🙂

  • @renaultf1:

    Sometimes this place is too much. 😞

    Yeah, but most of the time it's a supportive, lively, educational and sometimes hilarious gathering. Thanks to everyone who contributes their thoughts. We're all better for it.:) And thanks to Alex and Vanessa for making it all possible! Must be like herding basenjis sometimes, and that can't be easy :rolleyes:

  • Thank you pat I think that is more elegently and simply put than I would ever have managed. 🙂

  • I think it is unrealistic that every person who comes here will have warm fuzzies when they start asking questions they don't really want the real answers to, just a reassurance they are doing the right thing.

    I applaud those who tell them to rethink their decision. There are too many animals in shelters for us all to go along with it. I don't think anything was negative. Just direct and to the point.

  • Well put, Dash. I don't think the issue was so much the language or tone in which the responses were delivered but more that they were not what webedoggies wanted to hear. And as a result webedoggies was instantly unwilling to consider advice coming from people highly qualified to give it. All we can hope for now is that he/she thinks twice.

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