Do all basenjis have such soft fur??

  • I use beneful- all Beneful, Jack loves it. I started on it because my parents dog is on it and her coat is so shiny and silky and soft since she's been on it. Jack actually thinks that the kibble is like treats….he picks it up and eats it on his blanket.

  • I am glad I am not the only one…I have been bashed on here before for using it because people thought it was "junk" but like I said it works well for Tosca! I often put it in her Kong while we are eating, and she gets her meals that way...keeps her out of our faces while we eat!

  • yeah- I hadn't really told anyone here, either, because I was afraid of getting bashed for it…..the thing is, he isn't showing any signs of allergies to it, and if he did, I would change his food. But right now, he loves it!

  • Exactly…same here! I figure millions of people feed their dogs this each day with no problems...I wouldn't doubt it if more people out there use "cheap" versus "Expensive" food, and their dogs do each their own, right? Tosca loves it too, although she loves practically anything, edible or not 🙂

  • cool, I say find the food they like and go for it. Indi started to refuse the purina and the California Natural was only $10 more a bag. So maybe it is the food…I can attest to Jack's silky coat

  • Jylly and Robin….I don't feed Beneful, but I keep a small bag in the house. It's what I use for trades and treats. The dogs love it, and the small kibble is a perfect size for my dieting female who LOVES treats as rewards!!

  • Senji has THE softest fur on the white part of his neck under his lower jaw. The fur around his ears is also very soft. In the winter, he gets very soft and fluffy all over. In the summer, his body hair is short and more coarse.

  • EL D's fur is kind of in the middle - not really coarse but not super soft either. I've tried a number of different kibble brands (now use Innova or Solid Gold) but never noticed any difference in his fur.

  • My two have different coats, but both are very soft. Jazzy's is a bit heavier; Keoki's is thinner, more sleek. But both are wonderful to pet. Jazzy's seems to feel more "huggable"0- you know, smoosh your face into her neck, LOL – while Keoki's you just want to stroke and stroke.

    As for the food, I've fed my dogs what some call "junk" food my whole life and I've always had healthy dogs with beautiful coats and long lives. It really is a to each his own situation, IMO,and no one should be criticized for those choice as long as the dogs are healthy.

    My B's have been on Purina and Kirkland and have done beautifully.

    I currently have them on Merrick's Turducken -- only because Gypsy {14} was beginning to not eat well so I was adding canned food to all their food {you can't give just one the good stuff} but that was getting pricey, and with the Merrick's I can add water AND feed a bit less so the cost comes out about the same as my other foods. So far she eats the Merricks with enthusiasm, and the B's like it too.

  • Shango's fur is as soft as a baby's behind! 🙂

  • I find the black's are very soft and my tri is coarser.

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