• @Duke:

    When Duke was neutered, we watched him the 1st 3 days very closely. Whenever he started to lick, we called his name "Duke - Nooo." and then amazingly, he would stop and we'd give him comforting pets. I could not keep him from jumping and running around the house after the initial 2-3 days. I did take him out in the yard on leash to keep him from running after squirrels & birds - just to be safe. Poor Dallas…

    I did do the leash in the yard thing both yesterday & today. He actually wouldn't go yesterday because he is a squatter & I think was afraid it would hurt or something. He finally went this AM though after he saw my family dog going right beside him. Haha. He was jumping up all last night onto my bed, then off, then on, etc. after I let him out of his crate. Hopefully this weekend will be a bit laid back since my family dogs are both going to be out of town.

  • @tanza:

    Tea Tree Oil will certainly help with the licking…

    What type of store do I go to to buy tea tree oil?

  • @Ninabeana26:

    What type of store do I go to to buy tea tree oil?

    Any kind, Walmart, Longs Drugs, and here our supermarket carrys it..

  • "Adios balls" what a funny title for this thread! ha ha. Lenny said adios to his balls a couple months ago. He's been none the wiser since!

  • Dallas has been pretty good today. Although he has screamed a couple times in agony. Should I be concerned about this?

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Dallas has been pretty good today. Although he has screamed a couple times in agony. Should I be concerned about this?

    I would not think so… as long as the surgery site is clean, not weeping (it will drain some), not bright red, then he should be fine. He is just reacting to the pain when he does too much... and he will remember it the next time...

  • I am always surprised how quickly they heal up.

  • Dallas seems to be back to 100% this week…maybe a little more like 120%...

    Have any of you noticed your Bs acting more hyper active after neutering?

    Dallas was never really hyper before. I started leaving him uncrated during the days & he was behaving really well. This week though he has been going crazy when left alone in the house. Yesterday he tore the whole place up, which is why today he is crated again. My parents are getting really angry about it...help!!!

    I am walking him, playing with him, etc. to the point where he is exhausted at night & sleeps the whole night through. It's during the days & even early mornings that I am having these issues with him tearing up the house. Just wondering if this is something that will go away as the hormones decrease in his body...

  • If anything the hormones decrease would make him "less" hyper and it is too soon for hormone decrease to take effect. They say it is at least a month or two…

    At his age, he will go through "I am a good boy and you can leave me uncrated" to "I am a demon".... In fact, even mine at all over 13+ will have "days".. certainly not like when puppies... but they are still "never" perfect....

  • @tanza:

    If anything the hormones decrease would make him "less" hyper and it is too soon for hormone decrease to take effect. They say it is at least a month or two…

    At his age, he will go through "I am a good boy and you can leave me uncrated" to "I am a demon".... In fact, even mine at all over 13+ will have "days".. certainly not like when puppies... but they are still "never" perfect....

    Thanks for the response. I tried explaining to my parents that he didn't destroy anything besides some tissues & the trash bag [which held goodies he was trying to get out]. However they were concerned enough that they said he was banned to the crate again for a little while.

    I am hoping he will calm down some. The vet did tell me a month or so before I start noticing anything. It's almost like he's had an increase though…I don't know. I guess I will just have to wait it out...

  • Well as they say, it if it within sight of a B and especially a b puppy… it is history, especially tissues and trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I had a small suggestion for you if Dallas is still trying to lick his incision site. My vet got Beegin a "procollar" to wear when he was neutered because he was licking. It is a lot nicer than the elizabethan collar things that make your dog look like an upside down lampshade. The procollar is inflatable and looks like a little life jacket. It was like 25 from my vet. Beegin wore that for about 4 days after his surgery and then when I took it off, he seemed to have forgotten about the licking business or it didn't bother him anymore. But he wasn't particularly uncomfortable wearing the procollar because it was like a permanent pillow he could rest his head on anywhere!

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