Has anyone else taken this precaution ? We have researched muzzling and spoken to an experienced dog owner who has used muzzles but I'm wondering if there any basenji specific behaviors I should anticipate when we do this?
Many dogs display a variety of distance increasing signals that are not aggression but can be mistaken as such by dog owners. These distance increasing signals are used when a dog's option to flee has been removed such as being on leash and having an unleashed dog approach, often quite rudely. Using a muzzle on a dog that is already demonstrating that is uncomfortable in these situations will probably cause escalation since they dog is still forced to remain in a situation that it feels is not safe. It may also increase the chance that your dog will be attacked by these unleashed dogs and will have its main defense removed.
Living in rural setting does not mean that the leash laws that most areas have are not still law. Look into a product like Direct Stop. When you first see an unleashed dog call out to the owner to leash their dog. You are in the right to walk you dog leashed and deserve to be able to do so safely. If it is a large problem in your area, contact your animal control department and let them know that you do not feel safe walking in your own neighborhood because there are so many people violating the leash law. You do not need to bring your dog into it, unleashed dogs create a safety hazard, they do not follow traffic laws and they cause much fear and anxiety in people who are afraid of dogs.