First time 'off leash'
Zaire has been off leash a couple of times when we go hiking in the middle of nowhere. She is great about returning when called, though I think a large portion of it is that Charlie returns right away when called, and she has to be near him at all times. Sometimes it's great to have 2 dogs…they teach eachother the commands they each learn sepperatly
I would never be able to trust Tocsa either, as much as I love to see her do a full out run, my fears get the best of me, since when she has accidently gotten out (when we first got her, and didn't realize about the basenj door bolt…that sucked!) she does not listen at all. We also do not have a dog park near us, but what my husband and I do is go to a fenced in baseball field, or tennis court, and let her run there. The baseball field does not have doors that close, but each of us stands at an exit, and she is good to go:)
Of course, we make sure to examine the fences first for breaks. Do you have anything like that you could try? -
We have trained all of ours to come to a whistle (sports-type whistle) for extra special treats. Topper and Nicky would turn on a dime and return to me 98% of the time, and would come back after their mischief the other 2%. I used to take them to a very safe (no cars) place that was about 50 acres near a beach and a swamp, and only once did they bolt into the swamp and scare me to death, then they came bounding back, covered in muck, about 5 long minutes later.
Now we go to fenced dog parks so my training is not current, but with a little work I could probably get them to do a solid recall. I recommend to everyone I know to train their dogs to come to a whistle, the sound carries way further than the voice. I still keep a whistle hanging by the front door, in case I need it! Recall training has allowed me to take my dogs to remote beaches and let them off leash, and also hike with Topper in the mountains off leash (when he was younger).
I would never let them off leash except in a safe area (no cars!) and it is always a gamble, but with good recall training, the odds are in your favor!Anne in Tampa, lucky to have fenced parks for the pooches
I do let my 2 off leash in Or on the dog friendly beaches..but only in the early morning when we are the first ones out…
Otherwise, they are leashed..
I must say, watching the 2 run and play on the back loose does make your heart sing! -
I do let my 2 off leash in Or on the dog friendly beaches..but only in the early morning when we are the first ones out…
Otherwise, they are leashed..
I must say, watching the 2 run and play on the back loose does make your heart sing! -
Sorry for the 2 posts.
I must say, watching the 2 run and play on the back loose does make your heart sing!
That's it.. it's so special to see him run.. being happy.. yodeling when returning to you.. sigh.. :)
But I agree, only when it's safe!! -
I guess I'm really lucky to have room for Eli to run. It's too bad that everyone lives so far away. You'd be more than welcome to come over to play!
We have taken Rye off leash at a few beaches near us. We started when he was a puppy. The sand dunes and water on each side offer good barriers for him. A few times he will sprint down to meet other dogs:eek: . Now we keep him on leash and when we meet dogs we'll take him off so he doesn't get too far away. I really like the whistle and think we need to try that. We were alone on a beach on a stormy day and out of now where, a white ballon appeared near us. All of a sudden the wind took it and it off it went. Well, did Rye ever take off!! I tried "come!, COME!!. Nothing. Thankfully the wind stopped, he caught up to it and back he came. I really think that the combination if the wind and waves drowned out my voice. If we had the whistle he may have heard that. Luckily he have a few dog parks that we can keep practicing and reward him big time with treats and praise. It can be scary to let them off but it is so beautiful to see them run free.
I find when my b's run from me, I wait until they look back and run the other way…
I pretend I am going some place fun and once they start back to me..I pretend I found something wonderful on the ground.
It seems to work every time...they came over to see what I found, I tell them how good they are, and just pretend it was no big deal..I put them on the leash and praise them for coming..
I always make coming a good thing, even if I am so mad I could spit! -
I find when my b's run from me, I wait until they look back and run the other way…
I pretend I am going some place fun and once they start back to me..I pretend I found something wonderful on the ground.
It seems to work every time...they came over to see what I found, I tell them how good they are, and just pretend it was no big deal..I put them on the leash and praise them for coming..
I always make coming a good thing, even if I am so mad I could spit!Sharron this is soo great…..we were going out for a walk yesterday and somehow Zaire got away from me and ran behind the apartements next to me. I let go of Charlies leash and ran after her. When I got to the back of the apartements she was looking back waiting for me. So I called her once and started walking away.she came running right back. THen I had a Terrier to deal with. CHarlie descided he didnt want to let me grab his leash. I walked towards him and he took off. So I called after him "Hey wanna go for a car ride?", He ran right for my car and sat at the back door to be let in. Dirty trick I know....but it worked wonders. :)
Oh, when they are loose, any trick that works is GREAT!
I know your heart just dropped…
I have heard of folks who will drop on the ground and roll around, like they found a "lovely" smell to roll in..the b's will come over and the owners can grap them.
Remember, chasing is never the answer.
If you have to watch your dog run away...stop and pray he comes back to see you.
If he thinks he is ahead of the pack..well...lets hope he looks back and sees you walking/running the other way.
Hugs -
I used the same method you do. If they get the slightest idea they're missing out on something, they'll run over right away. I also do the "run in the other direction thing", and I also hide on them. They've got to the point that they constantly look back to see where I am. It also helps to keep some good treats in your pocket for when they come to you…..Tim -
B and bribes..its a good thing!
I guess I am not much of a risk taker. I'm confident that Magnum will come back to me, at his leisure, IF he can. I only let him off leash in the two places I feel he is 99% safe, our supervised IF-fenced two-acre yard and our supervised IF-fenced trailer plot. Other than that, he's leashed. No matter where he is, he's never out of my sight. He's one Basenji who does magnificently with electronic fencing systems, regardless of what crosses his path.
I have a pretty good sized yard with lots of places in the flower beds for EL D to explore plus I have taken him occasionally to the dog park so I'm not so concerned about him having the opportunity to "flat out run".
However, the accidental escape is always in the back of my mind (I lost wizard my previous basenji that way) so I've been working with EL D and a special whistle/treat. So far he's been really good about responding, I even tried it at the campground when we went a few weeks ago (my brother held EL D and I hid and then whistled).
However, I have noticed that if EL D is chasing prey, his mind is on the prey and the whistle has yet to work in that situation.
Soooo, long story short, I think EL D would return to me if he escaped in the woods or beach or wherever EXCEPT if he was chasing prey. Small mammal prey would have small territories but larger creatures could lead him farther away. :( -
Thats awesome. Indi does ok off leash, I always make sure that there is something exciting going on where I am (lots of dogs playing, roast beef, etc). Turin and I play this game where we stand about 25yards apart and call him back and forth, that way he practices being off leash, coming when called, and gets alot of running in.