JACK HOME & Playin with his Aiden!!

  • Super cute pictures of your boys! So happy your family is all together again! Aiden sure makes Jack look BIG! Aiden is sooo cute!

  • What cute boys you have! 🙂

  • So cute! 🙂 Both Jack & Aiden are adorable!

  • My gosh! It seems like you were just expecting Aiden, and now look at him!
    He's adorable, as is his Jack.

    Sweet pictures!

  • I am so glad Jack is back where he belongs, so what are your neighbors up to these days. I would try to stay clear of their yard, or whatever they try to pen on your Jack and you. I think you should look into invisible fencing to keep Jack inside your yard. I love my fencing and Sahara does really well with it. I know you guys are military and it would be a huge investment but I couldn't stand living next door to those people and worrying about Jack going near their yard.
    I love the pics of Jack and Aiden, he is adorable. Enjoy him while he is small, it seems like just yesterday that my own son was that size, they really do grow up so fast, he is 25 now. Jack is so cute looking over Aiden, they seem to get along great, I am so glad you didn't sell Jack.

  • Aww too cute !!! Congrats on having ur 4 legged baby back 🙂

  • Thanks to everyone!! I couldnt have made it without all your incouragment! THANKS!!!

  • awwwww! adorable pics! lol, baby w/ a bone… too funny

  • adorable babies! that makes my heart melt 🙂

  • Adorable little creatures 🙂

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