What to do first
Our first show is the 6th. What do I do when I get there? Do I report somewhere?
Our first show is the 6th. What do I do when I get there? Do I report somewhere?
Who was the superintendent that you send your entries too? You should get a judging program in the mail with your arm band number, ring number and time that you show. So you would want to be at your ring about 1/2 before you show to get your arm band number from the ring steward.
Are you showing at the National Capital show in West Friendship MD? If so the super is Infodog (www.infodog.com) and you can go to their site and see the judging program. Here is the link to the PDF file, looks like if this is the show then you show at 9:30am in ring 9
Pat has you covered…GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
I got the info in the mail yesterday so I know the ring number and the time and my numbers, I just didn't know where to get the armband. Thanks a million. Sure hope I don't fall on my face!!
Have a fun time..let us know how it goes.
I got the info in the mail yesterday so I know the ring number and the time and my numbers, I just didn't know where to get the armband. Thanks a million. Sure hope I don't fall on my face!!
Don't worry, even if you do fall it isn't the end of the world. I fell flat on my butt during the final go around with my girl Rally, and she still got BOW for a 4 point major to finish that day.