Senior Tri in a Shelter in MI

  • Wonderful!
    I ended up sending some strips and info up to the kennel that had him. Never heard back. I was hoping for the best.
    Great to hear.

  • @Schouiffy:

    Apparently BRAT has tried to get this old guy out - but the shelter was nasty to them.. which is strange because the guy I have been talking to seems stoked that someone is taking interesting in finding this guy a foster home.

    I contacted the shelter-back when I firt posted, and the guy i was talking to, Jim D, was super nice.

  • Yeah I talked to him too - he was brilliant.. I was surprised when I heard that from BRAT too - must have been a different person.. Banjo was there for months.

  • @Schouiffy:

    Yeah I talked to him too - he was brilliant.. I was surprised when I heard that from BRAT too - must have been a different person.. Banjo was there for months.

    I know, poor old guy. I have such a thing for the oldies. I offered to take him and get him into BRAT, even let the guy know I was a screener and all that. Sent him tons of info including BRATs website and this one, and lots on fanconi and the importance of testing. We really got along great.
    I really debated just adopting him, but was not able to at the time due to extra cats and kittens in the home. He even took Banjo into the "cat room" there to see how he reacted so I could update the list here.
    I am just so glad to know that Banjo is in a home now.

  • I hope we hear from the new owner…maybe even get some photos of the old dear on the couch.
    I love those best!

  • @Schouiffy:

    I don't believe they did, but if you would like, I can ask the person who place d him to get their contact information for you . 🙂 let me know

    yeah, if you could that would be great! If they are anywhere near me (east, central Wisconsin, actually Sheboygan area) I would definitely call/email to see if they would be interested in meeting up sometime!

  • ok - I went ahead an emailed the super awesome guy in charge of him - and we'll see if we can't invite the family to connect up 🙂

  • @Jylly18:

    Great! Do you know if the person from WI found out about him on here? If so, I hope they post! I would love to meet some more people from Wisconsin who have basenjis, so far I have NEVER seen another basenji in person except for my own!

    One of the most active and friendliest regional Basenji clubs is located in Southeastern Wisconsin

    Maybe you could hook up with some of them 🙂

  • Hey hey!! I'm pretty sure that Banjo's new mom is on the forum!! I can't PM - but I hope she reads the thread. =)!

  • Great! I will have to watch for a thread for a dog named Banjo…how do you think she is on here?

  • Actually. you already posted to her… go to page 2 of Test Strips in the Fanconi Info forum.. you'll see this message

    "Hi, I am new. I am owned by 3 basenji's, one of which was just adopted. I was told that he has that disease and that I need to have a blood test every 6 months. Do you think this is the one that costs $60? I would like to take as good of care as I can for Banjo and I really do not understand all of the ins and outs. I was told to feed him bananas to keep his potassium up, but alas he doesn't seem interested in them. Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!"

    and she is from WI - I think it fits. 😉
    so sad that he is affected though..

  • Yep, I see that now 🙂 Oh well, maybe she will see this thread and respond! One day I just might be able to achieve my goal of meeting/discusisng with another basenji owner in person. Tosca is such a unique animal, I would love to hear what others have to say. This forum is wonderful, but not quite the same as speaking with someone in person!

  • heheh.. I feel you.. I think there are less than 30 Basenjis in my ENTIRE country. 😉

  • Well, I think my goal might get met after all. I contacted someone in Wisconsin about the other older dog in need of help, and even though he was taken care of, the person I emailed referred me to someone with basenjis that only lives about 20 min away! She emailed me tonight, I just got done responding to her, hopefully we can meet up soon!

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