• @youngandtired:

    Depressed is finding out through DNA testing that your beloved Basenji has tested probable affected with fanconi syndrome. My family loves this dog so very much, she is like our only girl, my son is 25 and we just think she is the greatest dog out there. I got her from a petstore, (I would never do that again, didn't know about puppy mills) and paid this huge amount thinking I was buying a healthy purebread dog. My whole family is depressed about this, I can only study about this disease, test her each month (beginning at 2) and provide her with top notch vet care. She will have the best doctor, she is our joy and I hate the thought of her being sick. Now this is depressed my friend.::(

    First of all, don't beat yourself any more over pet shop thing –even quality breeders produced dogs with Fanconi. Remember,the DNA test for that is very new.
    And be thankful that YOU are the person who DID buy her from that pet shop. Imagine what could have been her future w/out an owner who cares enough to learn about the testing, the illness, and the treatment.

    I'm in the same boat as you -- Jazzy is probably affected, and her dam actually was diagnosed shortly after the birth of that litter 3.5 yrs ago.
    No pre-breeding testing was available, and there was no apparent family history, so...

    Don't be depressed -- a "probably affected" result is not even a guarantee that your dog will ever show symptoms. Even if she does it is not a death sentence, it will just signal a lifestyle change for her and for you.

    Yes, it is sad. But like many have said before, SHE doesn't know she's affected. She's living well and loving her life; learn from her example!

    The thing is, you can learn a lot before your dog even shows any symptoms.
    Learn and be ready IF you ever need to be.

    Did you see my other posts about Dr. Gonto? Check through the Fanconi threads for those. I think you'll find them helpful.

  • @youngandtired:

    Depressed is finding out through DNA testing that your beloved Basenji has tested probable affected with fanconi syndrome. My family loves this dog so very much, she is like our only girl, my son is 25 and we just think she is the greatest dog out there. I got her from a petstore, (I would never do that again, didn't know about puppy mills) and paid this huge amount thinking I was buying a healthy purebread dog. My whole family is depressed about this, I can only study about this disease, test her each month (beginning at 2) and provide her with top notch vet care. She will have the best doctor, she is our joy and I hate the thought of her being sick. Now this is depressed my friend.::(

    Hey, remember, she doesn't know that she has the Fanconi gene…. and know that you have lots of support.... and now you can spread the word to others that "might" buy from a Pet Store or Backyard Breeder that doesn't do health testing regardless of the breed.... You can only go forwarded from here and just love your girl and keep her as healthly as you can....

    And yes even with responsible breeders, we had Fanconi produced (before the DNA test) ... but at least we would tell people about it... that is the one thing that really fustrates me about pet stores/BYB.... they do not tell people about health concerns... and prepare them for "what" might happen....

  • Yea, I know Sahara doesn't know she has the bad gene, I love her even more now. I will be positive and not spend any more time thinking negative, thanks for bringing me out of my doom and gloom. I will continue to pray for her health, the Lord knows how much me love our Basenji, I know he didn't give her to me to lose early. JazzysMom thanks for all the info, it will help.

  • @Kaycee2006:

    Do you think colour really is that important. Am i just being too fussy?:

    Once you make sure that you prioritize where you get your dog (either a good breeder or a rescue) I don't think you are being foolish for wanting whatever color you want. I think it comes down to HOW BAD do you want a tri? Are you willing to wait longer or pay more to have one shipped to you? On the flip side…if you go ahead and get a r/w or b/w, I know you'll love the pup BUT are you going to second guess your decision not to wait? Unfortunately, this isn't something we can tell you what to do. 😞 You are just going to have to do some soul-searching. Good luck!


  • Hey, I thought I'd put in my two cents. I had a wonderful tri-color, and when I lost her, really wanted another tri, or even a brindle. But when I went to meet availalble adults at the breeder, Sol came right to me, wagged his tail (to a stranger-unusual B behavior in my experience) and licked me. After that color did not matter. Be open to good things when they come along!


  • @kristink:

    Hey, I thought I'd put in my two cents. I had a wonderful tri-color, and when I lost her, really wanted another tri, or even a brindle. But when I went to meet availalble adults at the breeder, Sol came right to me, wagged his tail (to a stranger-unusual B behavior in my experience) and licked me. After that color did not matter. Be open to good things when they come along!


    That is EXACTLY what happened to me w/Ruby. I went to look at adults and wanted an adult male - preferably black & white or brindle. Ruby was one of the last adults Pam & Sheila introduced me to and when I met her, I instantly forgot about wanting any other basenji. My brother always says that she picked me, and honestly that is pretty much how it happened…she was AMAZING, so sweet, funny and super, Super, SUPER high energy. I was instantly smitten and 2 weeks later she made a new home with my family. I 100% agree about "being open to good things when they come along."

  • Thanks guys
    As it turns out there's only 4 litters available this year. None of which have tri. iv'e done a lot of thinking and realised that if i want one now then i can't have the colour i want, but in saying that, it's not Kaycee's colour i fell in love with. it was her.

  • Small world– I got Sol from Pam and Sheila too! Are he and Ruby related?
    More than year later he is such a joy. At first he was confused about he change, wondering when he was going back 'home', but I was gentle and patient, and now we are very bonded-- when he got out the gate several weeks ago because it was left ajar, he just waited by the back door for me. He is actually better adjusted than the two b's I raised from puppies were.


  • @kristink:

    Small world– I got Sol from Pam and Sheila too! Are he and Ruby related?
    More than year later he is such a joy. At first he was confused about he change, wondering when he was going back 'home', but I was gentle and patient, and now we are very bonded-- when he got out the gate several weeks ago because it was left ajar, he just waited by the back door for me. He is actually better adjusted than the two b's I raised from puppies were.


    Too funny…I didn't even realize that Sol came from Eldorado 😃 😃 . What is Sol's registered name? Ruby's is Eldorado's Bejeweled (hence Ruby). Brando who I just added 3 months ago is Sternhimmels Generis Sui (he's from Finland).

    Actually, I just found Sol on Eldorado's website and in fact, he and Ruby are related. Ruby's mom is Onyx (Barcelona) and she is also Sol's grand dam (I think that is the right term)! Joie (Sol's mom) is a half sib of Ruby. 🙂

  • There could be a thread on the things we do to registered names– Sol's is 'Solid Gold' but I call him 'Solomon' because he's a deep thinker, or 'Solace' because he is a solace to me-- I like the 'Ruby' adaptation!


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