• LOL. reminds me of when my sister got a MALE mouse from the science teacher at school.
    We wound up with TWENTY-THREE mice in a very short time frame b/c SHE was pregnant, and we had trouble getting enough cages/homes to keep them all separated – we lived on an island and supplies were tough to come by.

    Our dad wound up getting rid of them during a Navy Relief telethon by donating a dollar for every mouse that someone came and took, LOL

    We got our old cat from a friend of dh's who swore the kitten was a female.
    Nope... male. I did NOT want a male cat, but here we are 15 yrs later...... and he's STILL kickin'.

    THAT is why I like dogs --- it's VERY obvious from the beginning! You never get the "wrong" gender!

  • We didn't have a gender problem with a pet store purchase but we had a size issue. We were in between dogs and I wasn't yet ready for a new one and the kids were begging for a pet. So…in a moment of weakness I let them get a rabbit that we were told was a pygmy rabbit and would stay really small. HA....that thing grew to be as big as a small dog! And BTW....a rabbit is not a good pet. It is worse than a basenji when it comes to damage. It stripped insulation off of wires, it ate carpeting, it chewed on furniture, and on and on. It got so big that we just let it have the run of the back yard...where it stripped bark off young trees, ate my azaleas, my border grass, and any other plant it could find. Finally, we bought a boxer puppy. When the rabbit started mounting the poor puppy, we found it a new home.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    We didn't have a gender problem with a pet store purchase but we had a size issue. We were in between dogs and I wasn't yet ready for a new one and the kids were begging for a pet. So…in a moment of weakness I let them get a rabbit that we were told was a pygmy rabbit and would stay really small. HA....that thing grew to be as big as a small dog! And BTW....a rabbit is not a good pet. It is worse than a basenji when it comes to damage. It stripped insulation off of wires, it ate carpeting, it chewed on furniture, and on and on. It got so big that we just let it have the run of the back yard...where it stripped bark off young trees, ate my azaleas, my border grass, and any other plant it could find. Finally, we bought a boxer puppy. When the rabbit started mounting the poor puppy, we found it a new home.


    THAT is why our rabbit lived out side, quite happily, for nine years!
    He had an awesome hutch though – it was about four feet long and maybe 18 inches deep, with a little shelf on either end to sit on. It had two doors, which we opened every morning, and a little ramp to hop down in to his own little yard. His yard was the whole 24 sq foot area under our grape vines, which dh had fenced for the bunny. It was awesome -- big leafy grape vines provided shade and munchies all summer!
    He was a happy little bunny.

    When he died, dh wasted NO TIME giving the hutch away and taking down his fence -- he was never as enthralled as I was with the bunny and wanted to ensure we didn't replace it. LOL

  • @hdolbow:

    so a little update.. we sexed the bearded dragon and found out he's a BOY! so dan wanted another one so it had company.. lol.. so we went to this pet store and they had one that was around the same age as Reef.. same length but a little wider. they said it was male though.. so we got home and it didnt even try to be dominant.. so we looked at it again.. and we think its a FEMALE. to sex them you hold them flat and lift their tail at a 90 degree angle and you can see two seperate bumps for a male and one larger bump for a female above the opening where they poo and stuff. lol.. Reefs def. got the two and she looks like she only has ONE large one.. plus her pores are really small along her legs and reefs are more pronouced and visible (which is normal for males) PLUS.. today we caught Reef bobbing his head.. which is a mating thing.. and he was holding onto her and biting at her neck which is what they do while mating.. so maybe we'll have babies.. :mad: its so much work to breed them because they lay eggs.. and the eggs have to be incubated.. and humidity and all that has to be right.. they can have more than 10 eggs at a time!

    stupid pet stores..

    i remember once when i was younger we went to petco or somewheres like that and i got a hampster.. they said it was a male.. and pulled it from the male cage.. not two weeks later i had i think 5 baby hampsters. i kept all but one.. they ended up attacking each other and all had to be seperated. no wonder she was pregnant.. she was a female in a cage marked MALE:mad:

    I TOTALLY feel for ya! Its happened to me too. I used to own an iguana and a couple swifts. I was told that I had a pair of males but soon found out that the other was a girl :mad: I was livid. I now had to deal with separating the female from the male, incubating babies. ARGH! Pet Store Nightmare!!!!

    I had a hedgehog which i purchased from a breeder. I was told that it was a female. When I took her into the vet for a checkup, low and behold…I had a male! Hahaha!

  • lol cant trust any one these dayssss

    just out to make a buck! buttttt in defense of the reptiles.. it really is SO HARD to tell sex & you cant until they are over 6 months old. you can go to a reptile veterinarian and they can "probe" and find out… but that can damage them. just a big Pain in the A** 🙂 i just think the idiot girl didnt know what she was talking about!! lol she told me the way i sexed reef was wrong.. even though a bearded dragon book and 4 websites all said the same method.

  • Congratulations on your Beardies!!! I had two. A male and a female. I kept them separated. Unfortunately Vlad's back legs were paralized. I'm assuming because he didn't get enough calcium before I had him. I bought him like that. I'm a sucker for the less fortunate ones. Anyway he lived to be about three. When I moved in with my husband there was no place to put Princess due to the fact that I had built a 5' X 3' X 18" enclosure for her. I got VERY lucky and found a home for her that had 4 other Beardies. The guy who took her fell in love at first site. 🙂

  • reminds me of my trip to Petsmart. I used to breed and keep zebra finches. These little birds are so easy to tell the difference between male and female. I was in the market for a new female, ended up with another male and major fights in the cage between 2 males. Idiots. They kept telling me no that's a female, when he had all the markings of a male and i actually do know the difference seems as i had been at this for 9 years!! (and he worked at the store how long?? 2 months and is supposed to be a know it all?!) I ended up taking the bird back 2 hours later and exchanging for a female. This time i was the one that picked her and caught her out of the cage. Yeah these petstore employees just think they know it all just case they have a job at a petstore.

  • Yes, that is the biggest problem with pet store puppies… the people there have not a clue about the different breeds let alone how to raise a pup... they talk a good story.. they know (99% of the time) know nothing.... but because it is a pet store.. Joe Q public thinks that they are really experts... NOT...

  • Mark [the ex in Florida] bought two leopard geckos together, told both were males…hah! a few months later one started getting very fat around the belly & sure enough, she laid eggs. They all died because she laid them in their water bowl!

  • I had a madagascar day gecko once that I just named as a male because he seemed male to me. It didn't matter… his pals were tree frogs. I named him Turbo. And then he produced something very odd one day; I thought he was dieing. Called the petstore (a reptile only specialty pet store) & it turns out Turbo laid an egg! I started calling him Turbetty & thought about trying to have babies (I was 17 what did I know about breeding geckos?). The petstore proprietor called me one day to let me know he had a juvenile male. I went to the store & bought it immediately. It was about half the size of the female. I put him right in with the female, and within 24 hours his tail was missing!?!?!? No big deal, it will grow back, he must have snagged it on something.
    Within another 24 hours, he had completely dissappeared!!! Turbetty ate him! I was devastated, and pissed that the petstore owner didn't both to try to educate me or discuss it with me... he just wanted to make a quick buck & knew I would buy it!!!! I still have feelings of guilt for putting a poor baby in with a murderous girl twice his size! He had no chance...

  • @Andrew:

    I had a madagascar day gecko once that I just named as a male because he seemed male to me. It didn't matter… his pals were tree frogs. I named him Turbo. And then he produced something very odd one day; I thought he was dieing. Called the petstore (a reptile only specialty pet store) & it turns out Turbo laid an egg! I started calling him Turbetty & thought about trying to have babies (I was 17 what did I know about breeding geckos?). The petstore proprietor called me one day to let me know he had a juvenile male. I went to the store & bought it immediately. It was about half the size of the female. I put him right in with the female, and within 24 hours his tail was missing!?!?!? No big deal, it will grow back, he must have snagged it on something.
    Within another 24 hours, he had completely dissappeared!!! Turbetty ate him! I was devastated, and pissed that the petstore owner didn't both to try to educate me or discuss it with me... he just wanted to make a quick buck & knew I would buy it!!!! I still have feelings of guilt for putting a poor baby in with a murderous girl twice his size! He had no chance...

    So terrible but oh my goodness I cannot stop laughing!!! LOL

  • It was traumatic, but something I can look back on & laugh at. I guess those $.10 crickets looked like poo on a plate compared to a young, tender $45 morsel.

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