Hello all, I am proudly owned by Jamie. She is a 6 1/2 little lady who I have had very little problems with. Let me start by giving a little history. I got her when I was single. She was my first dog. She lived with me, my roomate, and his white boxer. The two got along great. She slept in the bed with me curled up at my feet for about 2 years. Then along came another woman (wife) into my life. I started letting her sleep in her crate at night with a little protest from her but she got used to it. It has been that way for almost 4 years now. (Been married 2 1/2) When its time for bed I tell her in a goofy voice to "Go get in your bed." She would stand and scratch at the door until I let her in. She would not make a sound until the morning. At times I really had to coerce her out to go potty in the morning. I cover the crate with a blanket to keep the ceiling fan from blowing on her and make it a nice, dark, place for her to sleep. This has been the sleeping arrangement since around March of 2005 with no issue…
For about the last 2 weeks her attitude has gone down the toilet. She is really restless, more snippy/growly than usual and will whine and cry when she goes into her crate(she does not go as readily). It almost like someone has flipped a switch and changed her attitude. My question to the pros: 1)Could there be something physically wrong with her causing her discomfort?
2)Is her temprament changing as she is getting older?
3)Is she just trying to "test the pecking order" in our house?
I love the little dog but she is really trying my sanity right now. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Joel and Jamie