Spring has finally arrived
Sweet little Efia enjoying the sun.
Yippiee spring is here :D
Me and my main man;)Efia 5 months with her favourite uncle:)
Great shots, spring in Sweden is lovely.
Anne in Tampa, FL
Love the Bichons in the fields… they are too cute!!!!!!!!!!!! and what great pictures.... thanks for sharing!!!!
Thank you the Bichons are very cute and they have "FUR" which makes them xtra popular according to Myran he loves to pull out tresses of the Bichons.Their owner Jennie is constantly telling myran not to as a bald Bichon isn´t what you want to see in the ring.We will be travelling together all over sweden this summer at dogshows.
Thank you the Bichons are very cute and they have "FUR" which makes them xtra popular according to Myran he loves to pull out tresses of the Bichons.Their owner Jennie is constantly telling myran not to as a bald Bichon isn´t what you want to see in the ring.We will be travelling together all over sweden this summer at dogshows.
Exactly… I can just see the Basenji now.. looking at all that hair...ggggg
Hahaaa you cant catch me:p I can pull out your hair and take your stick cause i´m a blazing basenji :D
And who say´s we don´t like dirt :p Do you like the colour of my leg´s it´s called "muddy brown" it even tastes nice hence the muddy mouth:D
Relaxing in the evening sun after a long day of fun:)
Thank you for the great pictures. I love the pictures with the Basset. It reminds me of my parents Bs. I had a Baset when they had their last Bs. It was always so funny to watch them run around togather.
Amazing pictures! Like always :D