What kind of person is your dog?

  • Squiggy is quite the gentleman. He probably speaks with a classy brittish accent and drinks a high priced cognac. He enjoys reading the classics and keeping up on current events. He probably shaves with a steamed towel and straight razor done by his butler. He must have his hair just right and probably goes for manicures and facials once and awhile- but wont tell anyone. He may possibly have a monnicle or smart little glasses when he is older.
    He dresses in classic fashion and favors sweater vests and plaid. He is very propper and really does not tollerate the flashy and trashy. He abhorrs inpropper english and brittany spears.
    His partner is athletic, but very smart, and most likley an artist that paints in oils. They go to museums and art gallerys and to dinner at the finest, but not hippest, restaurants.
    I am sure they have 2 white persian cats names something like Hemmingway and Newton.
    He drives an understated but classy car in black.

    🙂 Your turn

  • Cory would be a bit of a prissy lady. She is definitely a diva and she wants what she wants! Her room would be in order and she would expect others to leave her things alone. She has her man under her thumb. She does not tolerate indiscretions on his part. She is svelte but enjoys her meals. For a lady, she really isn't too picky about what she eats and does eat a few things that one wouldn't expect someone of her class to eat. e.g. She eats caviar in public but will have her driver stop by a stand for a bag of hot boiled peanuts. She likes to have her entourage around her. I think her room would probably be decorated in understated elegance but comfort takes precedence over style. She would never ever go camping. However, she likes the outdoors and hunting. I think she would ride and go fox hunting. Jayden would be a bit of a Bubba. He would wear jeans and tee shirts…maybe flannel. He would eat pickled eggs, sardines, and would drink cheap beer. He'd eat (and enjoy) old food left out after a fraternity party! However, he would be suspicious if he was served a bowl of green beans. He'd want to see Cory eat it and survive first. He would pee outside on the side of the house if he thought no one was looking....okay, maybe even if someone was looking. He would throw his beer can out into the yard. Although a Bubba, Jayden wouldn't like camping and would own a luxury RV. While his friends hunted, he'd be inside the RV watching movies like "Dumb and Dumber", anything with the Cable Guy....anything that isn't PBS. Actually, the TV would be on but he'd be napping. If he did go out hunting, he'd have a nice stand with a mini-fredge in it. He'd have a battery operated TV and would stand up to shoot his rifle if someone else saw the game and told him it was there and where it was. He'd be ready to go home after just an hour. He is devoted to his woman and takes all sorts of verbal and physical abuse from her in good nature. He is a slave to her every mood. He cajols her out of her bad moods. He is a snuggler and is physically affectionate. Sometimes she finds that annoying. He too likes an entourage.


  • Bitty is your typical permanent pre-teen. Boisterous, with a tendency to talk back, 65% perpetual motion, 15% lovey puppy and 20% couch potato. Sable is her best buddy Shiba Inu, the 2 of them are usually involved in an intense game of 'chase' with Sassycat, it dosent seem to matter who is designated chaser or chasee, as long as the game goes on. I think the main object of the game is to make Sassycat jump up on the desk in the office and scatter as many papers as possible to the floor, there to be shredded by the team. Cant count the number of times in the last 3 months, since Bitty came to live with us that the office has looked like it has been hit by a blizzard. And, yes that is another trait that B's and SI's share, the love of shredding paper. But, the beauty of it all is, no matter how snowy white things get, we wouldnt change anything.

  • Thanks guys. I thought this would be a bigger thread. My family really gets a kick out of making up who our dogs would be if they were human. I enjoyed your posts.

  • I think EL D is a joe hunter, nature lover, type of guy that would just as soon repair a dependable machine as buy a brand new one. He doesn't care if his stuff is scattered around the house (he always seems to know where it is anyway) and old tattered items are just as good if still inworking condition. But mostly he likes to be outside - hunting or exploring (among the garden plants for little creatures). He likes to watch the birds in the trees while relaxing on the swing pad and to relax in the warm straw in the sun smelling the stinking rotting spring smells. 😃

  • Jack is incredibly dainty. He enjoys interior design, and is currently experimenting with using toilet paper as a drapery material. He likes to design in distressed eclectic style (ie- I've chewed a dozen holes in this blanket- lets make it a rug!) He finds the two of us to be quite immature, and he is often seen shaking his head and sighing as we are cackling at Family Guy or South Park. I think he thinks of us as children that he is babysitting.

    That said, he would also have quite the potty mouth. Occasionally, we ask him to sit, and he looks at us like….F you I don't have to if I don't want to. Make me!

    Oh, and he is completely lazy- he gets that from his Dad.

    All in all- I'd say he is probably a doggie version of Freddie Mercury.

  • Oh- and I forgot- He is INCREDIBLY tan from all of the sunbathing he does!

  • I'm sure that Bitty's favorite reply to anything I say is, "You're not the boss of me."

  • Ali's a bit of a 'lone wolf'. Got a little James Dean in him too.

  • If Jackpot were a human…he'd definately be the typical 4 year old child (with ADHD?) 😉 who is constantly testing boundaries, saying "look at me mom, look what I can do mom". He is always changing toys (can't stay & play with one too long...maybe we've given him too many options). He's the child who climbs up things or gets himself into situations where then he wines and needs us to get him down (climbing on the planters in our apartment complex which then suddently drop off & are way too high for him to jump from). When I walk him he walks right along the edge of the side walk and I can just see him as a 4 yo little boy walking on the edge of the side walk with his arms out trying to balance himself like he's on a balance beam. He is playful and funny enough... he gets grouchy/restless when he's overly tired (thank you doggie day care)...just like a toddler/child would.

  • Kiya is what we would call a fashonista. When she walks into a room she demands all eyes on her. Her walk has been fine tuned to perfection. Kate Moss has nothing on her. Her signature move is walking away, stopping and turning her head to the right and glancing over her shoulder. At that point, everyone needs to be looking at her.
    She is in control of everything and everyone. What Kiya wants, Kiya gets. No one will tell her what to do. She has a credit card for every day of the week and shops with the elite.
    Kiya does not like to her no. No is not in her vocabulary. She has everyone wrapped around her little paw.

    As for Chance…that will require some time. He is a tough one to figure out. 🙂

  • Chance is a bit timid and tends to worry about everything, but once he gets comfortable with his surroundings and others around him, he is a very nice social gentlemen most of the time.

    He is tough and can give you a good scare if he does not like you, but you can tell that he has soft side that he is hiding inside, only showing it to his trusted companions.

    As I am writing this, I am realizing that I see some similarities in his and Kiyas personalities with ours. I guess its true what they say about animals looking and behaving like their owners.

  • @Alex:

    Chance is a bit timid and tends to worry about everything, but once he gets comfortable with his surroundings and others around him he is a very nice social gentlemen most of the time. He is tough and can give you a good scare if he does not like you, but you can tell that he has soft side that he is hiding inside, only showing it to his trusted companions.

    As I am writing this, I am realizing that I see some similarities in his and Kiyas personalities with ours. I guess its true what they say about animals looking and behaving like their owners.

    So that means you think I am like Kiya????? Oah Realy…..
    (I only have 2 credit cards) LOL 😉

  • Topper is Sean Connery, a bit of gray on the muzzle, but still "OO7" at heart, ready to defend his pack if needed. Suave and sophisticated, the girls always love Topper, and the guys respect him.

    Eddie is a hunter, a good ole' boy, wants to ride shotgun, nip some butt and have a good time, throw back some brewskies. Then cuddle and snuggle with his duckie!

    Nicky is a steel magnolia; small, sweet but not afraid of anything, will spit in the devil's eye. Doesn't really go looking for a rumble, but don't cross her or try and steal her "precious" unless you like pain. But she will let her humans do anything that needs to be done to help her, a good girl who wants to be a bad girl!

    Anne in Tampa

  • I have something to add to my description of Jack as a human, something that we learned this weekend….

    Jack is a rock star- and he parties like one.

    Saturday morning I woke up to the sound of Jack dragging his waterbowl around the apartment- Like- Hey you lazy humans! I'm thirsty!

    As I stumbled into the living room, there next to the sliding glass door (where all of the sun comes into the apartment) he is lying on the floor amidst a sea of party destruction-

    My husbands glass (which had been filled with Jack and Coke, but was empty by the time he came to bed) was on the floor on it's side.

    My husband's pack of cigarettes- well, all the cigarettes were on the floor and the box had been torn apart.

    An empty candy bar wrapper....the candy bar had been half eaten when we went to bed....it was one of those peanut butter filling, milk chocolate coated type of things.

    After we went through the shock of- "oh my god- he ate chocolate is he going to die?" (btw- no he isn't going to die, I looked it up, and apparently they have to eat a lot of chocolate for it to be toxic, depending on the kind of chocolate- this was milk chocolate, so he was okay, if it had been bakers chocolate, it would have been really really bad) I recounted the scene for DH and we laugh about how Jack lives it up after we go to bed.

  • Miles is pretty much Brad Pitt. He is always playing hard to get…lol... but he is super sexy and manly. He prefers to be seen and not touched. Although he DOES tolerate when I squeeze him. Okay, either that or he's an older HS boy who doesn't want his Mom hugging him in public! lol

    Lexi is a supermodel. I swear, I get the camera out and she comes running and starts posing. She LOVES being doted on and dressed up. Seriously. I'm not making this stuff up. And if you ignore her, she gets mad... and gives you the ultimate diss-- HER BACK. (Does anyone elses B's do this? When they get mad, they either go sit and face a corner or sit close to you with their backs to you?? I find it so amusing!)

  • @BDawg:

    Miles is pretty much Brad Pitt. He is always playing hard to get…lol... but he is super sexy and manly. He prefers to be seen and not touched. Although he DOES tolerate when I squeeze him. Okay, either that or he's an older HS boy who doesn't want his Mom hugging him in public! lol

    Lexi is a supermodel. I swear, I get the camera out and she comes running and starts posing. She LOVES being doted on and dressed up. Seriously. I'm not making this stuff up. And if you ignore her, she gets mad... and gives you the ultimate diss-- HER BACK. (Does anyone elses B's do this? When they get mad, they either go sit and face a corner or sit close to you with their backs to you?? I find it so amusing!)

    Yes, Jackpot used to turn his back to us when we put him in his crate at night…it was like "screw you guys" LOL When he turned his back it was like he was a child and was pouting.

  • @BittysDad:

    I'm sure that Bitty's favorite reply to anything I say is, "You're not the boss of me."

    That is definitely Cyrus' life motto. We always joke that Cyrus believes himself to be intellectually superior to all others and is planning a world takeover. We think that he eventually deemed us acceptable and decided to stay at our house for the long haul. We do not "own" Cyrus. Actually, he owns us!

  • Hi, my name is She-Ra. Although one of the stupid humans I live with likes to call me "Wheatey" which doesn't sound nearly as dignified as I li…

    ...hold on a second. That darn cat is somewhere I don't want him to be. I'll be right back.

    <sound of="" scuffling="" and="" a="" short="" chase="">

    Okay, that's taken care of, now where was I? Oh yes. I have two human servants. The fat male is okay. He's pretty quick with the treats and is really good with a back-scratching or a belly-rub when I demand it. The woman? Well, she has an issue with my getting into the cat's litter box and putting the poop on the carpet. NO appreciation for art, I tell you! She keeps yelling something at me when I do it, but I pretty much just tune her out and wait for her to open a drawer to get a t-shirt out for me to chew. Like I'm supposed to know she's going to wear it. She's so unreas...

    ...hold on. The cat's doing something I don't like again. Be right back.

    <yet more="" sounds="" of="" a="" scuffle.="" some="" meows.="">

    Anyhow. As you can tell I also have these two cats I need to maintain. The older one tends to keep to himself and doesn't move much. When I try and exert some control over him, he usually swats me back, so I figure live and let live. The little one, though? He's a handful. It's all I can do to keep him in line, as you've no doubt seen. I swear, sometimes there's not enough hours in the day. It's all I can do to get a minute to myself to sit back with a nice piece of rawhide or the fat guy's wallet when he leaves it out.

    At the end of the day there's a nice time for walkies. The humans seem to enjoy it so I make it extra fun by jogging a little while I poop. That makes picking up my gift more like a treasure hunt for them. They particularly like doing it on a late night walk, I've noticed. I get a chance to meet other dogs and humans on a walk, too, so I'm always sure to be on my best behavior. I figure if I can sucker even one family to get a Basenji like myself, then our eventual domination of this pathetic planet will be...

    ...hold on. The stupid cat's off his perch again. Look, we'll have to resume this some other time, okay? I really have to get back to work.</yet></sound>

  • Ha ha ha ha 😃

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