• @Chelbell26:

    Well, we went to the vet and they said its not a UTI…just a topical/skin infection. They gave us some ointment to put on him (which is MUCH better than pills...I was worried about having to give him pills). Very relieved.:D

    Did the Vet do blood work? but then I am a really, really big blood work person…... Interesting that it is a topical skin infection?.. was there a cause? or did the Vet have any ideas where/how he came by it?

  • In my experience males (especially puppies) often have a yellowish discharge, as the sheath, uh..cleans itself. I would gage my concern on how "greenish" it was. Just a touch of green (sorry..but like a booger color) wouldn't be a big concern for me. Also, puppy girls often get a little vaginitis that can be cleared up with a topical cream. My guess is your vet treated for something similar.

    I think it is probably a coincidence that the lethargy and discharge occurred at the same time. Puppies around this age 4-5 mos (yes?) often have days where they are lethargic and possibly a little diarrhea due to teething.

    Of course…I am no vet...and I don't play one on TV 😉

  • Thanks for the replies. The vet said he didn't think it was anything to be too concerned about because it wasn't as green as I perceived it to be. He said it was a "yellow-green (like human mucos in the nose)" which was less cause for concern. He did not do any blood work and said the same sorts of things (more than likely a coincidence of the lethargy, etc) as were mentioned just above in this thread. We have some Cholorhex (? not sure on the spelling) to wipe his genitals with for the next few days and the vet said to call and come back in if anything changes for the worse.

  • Glad to hear it was nothing too serious & that little Jackpot will be fine 🙂

    Andrea, lethargy around 4-5 months while teething? Dallas turns 5 months next week…could I really be in for some quiet time??? :p He is teething since I have now found two of his baby teeth on the floor!

  • @Chelbell26:

    Thanks for the replies. The vet said he didn't think it was anything to be too concerned about because it wasn't as green as I perceived it to be. He said it was a "yellow-green (like human mucos in the nose)" which was less cause for concern. He did not do any blood work and said the same sorts of things (more than likely a coincidence of the lethargy, etc) as were mentioned just above in this thread. We have some Cholorhex (? not sure on the spelling) to wipe his genitals with for the next few days and the vet said to call and come back in if anything changes for the worse.

    Sounds like a plan.. and I totally forgot his age.. and the fact that teething can and will make them "yucking" feeling at times (and sometimes forgetting they are housetrained!).

    The reason for the question on Blood work, while never that cheap depending on where you live and your Vet, IMO it is always good to have a base line

  • The teething thing scared me to death when Jack was a baby, he was sitting on my lap chewing on a toy or a bone, stopped, spit this white thing onto my lap, and just continued chewing! I was certain he had doggie-scurvy!

  • And their mouths/gums/teeth will bleed along with terrible breath….. during teething

  • Yea Dallas' have been bleeding a lot within the past week. At the dog park a Beagle ended up with blood on her & we were all worried about which pup it was from! Come to find out, Dallas had blood all in his mouth!!! I was a bit shocked at how much blood comes from teething but he seems fine & is losing little teeth here & there 🙂 Oh & basically chewing on EVERYTHING he can get his teeth into! His latest obsession is cardboard…

  • @tanza:

    Sounds like a plan.. and I totally forgot his age.. and the fact that teething can and will make them "yucking" feeling at times (and sometimes forgetting they are housetrained!).

    The reason for the question on Blood work, while never that cheap depending on where you live and your Vet, IMO it is always good to have a base line

    Yep, he's at that age and I'm relieved to know that it wasn't as serious as I initially thought. Maybe I'm a little "too cautious" but the vet was very nice and spent his time explaining what he believed was going on and what the different courses of action might be.

    I totally agree that bloodwork can be very helpful in the course of diagnostics (just like with humans!) 🙂 In this case, the vet didn't think it was necessary… but I did talk to the vet about the pre-neutering bloodwork and he also said that they can also do the blood draw for the fanconi testing...so I feel good that we have found a vet that will work well with our needs. 🙂

  • @Robin_n_Jack:

    The teething thing scared me to death when Jack was a baby, he was sitting on my lap chewing on a toy or a bone, stopped, spit this white thing onto my lap, and just continued chewing! I was certain he had doggie-scurvy!

    Doggy scurvy LOL 😃 I have noticed that Jackpot is losing some of his baby teeth (by looking in his mouth I can tell this) but I haven't noticed any teeth on the floor or his toys. Maybe I just haven't found them…or maybe he's swallowed them?

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Yea Dallas' have been bleeding a lot within the past week. At the dog park a Beagle ended up with blood on her & we were all worried about which pup it was from! Come to find out, Dallas had blood all in his mouth!!! I was a bit shocked at how much blood comes from teething but he seems fine & is losing little teeth here & there 🙂 Oh & basically chewing on EVERYTHING he can get his teeth into! His latest obsession is cardboard…

    Jack never grew out of the chewing on cardboard phase. He will rip any cardboard box apart…

    Did I mention we are moving? Yeah, the cardboard thing is really starting to get on my nerves- LOL

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Glad to hear it was nothing too serious & that little Jackpot will be fine 🙂

    Andrea, lethargy around 4-5 months while teething? Dallas turns 5 months next week…could I really be in for some quiet time??? :p He is teething since I have now found two of his baby teeth on the floor!

    ha…well, no guarantees 🙂 It is hard to notice lethargy when you only have one 😉 They never seem to wear themselves out!

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