Baby is adorable!
Kiya is a B-Mix - confirmed through DNA testing - with a little Chi thrown in for good measure. She doesn't look very B, but it's all there shining through in her personality!
From the pictures you posted, Kiya and Baby both have a lot of similarities, although Kiya is a little bigger than Baby, weighing in at 20 lbs.
If you really want to know what Baby is check out having the DNA testing done by your vet. Our vet used the Wisdom Panel which is the most comprehensive dog breed DNA test on the market right now, detecting and distinguishing between 134 AKC recognized breeds, with more breeds to be added to the mix over time. It normally doesn't cost all that much. We happened to get it done free - the vet wanted to "try it out" for the first time- but I think it is normally around $100-$150. The one thing it has given us is the peace of mind in knowing exactly what mix of breeds Kiya is and that we can keep an eye out for any breed-specific illnesses and ailments, keeping on step ahead of the game to keep her healthy and happy.