@Saving LOL, @JENGOSMonkey posted the perfect meme: Basenji pup, T-Rex, Basenji adult Wish I could find it!
Our North Carolina Relatives
Yes, we visited with Suddanly and Sunbird basenjis in North Carolina.
And what'd ya think? I've chatted with her about possibly getting one of the female pups from their next litter.
Oh my!!! What an adorable face on the brindle!!!
All her dogs had great temperaments. I got to visit with 16 of her and Carolyn's basenjis. Sue was great, and I got look through lots of her pictures and talk to her about her dogs. If you want specifics, you can email me. My contact info is on my website which is listed in my profile. I did meet both Chase and Mercedes.
Oh my!!! What an adorable face on the brindle!!!
Sin is so cute and knows it. I am sure his attitude will serve him well in the show ring and I bet he would make a great agility dog from what I saw. He was also very sweet and a cuddle bug.
OMG what a cute puppy!!
What an adorable face! It sounds like you guys had a very fun trip to NC!
Love the brindle! an Andy pup?
I love the little girl Nadra( http://www.carolinabasenjis.com/puppies.cfm ), so showy! -
Yes, Sin is an Andy pup. We got to meet Andy also.
And that Brindle litter is related to my Mickii x Ricky litter by way of Jerlin's Reckless Ricochet, so again… small world.....
Yes, we also got to meet Savvy who is a Ricky daughter and mother of Andy.