• It occured to me that I haven't posted any pics or info about Hanna the Portuguese Podengo Grande Smooth.

    She is a hoot - loves everyone and everything - has an endearing (the B's say you think its endearing we are annoyed) habbit of going KerThunk with her paws on their heads and then a quick spin to whack with her tail. We were at a match on Friday and she did it to everyone!

    Some pics posted on my website


  • Will the dog be basenji size?
    Does she Bark?
    Way cool photos.
    Love the 1/2 sail ears…

  • So cute! Looking forward to hearing and seeing more!

  • Hanna is adorable. Will you be persuing any activities such as coursing with her?

  • ears are now up up up - the size range is 22-29 at the shoulder and she should have a bit more body that a beezer but that look -

    Here is a link to some pictures of adults

    here is her mom and dad


    or you can go to my website and click on the Podengo page


  • oops Robin forgot to answer your question - she is eligible in FSS AKC for Companion events - I plan on starting with Rally - I may do some lure events just the baby try it out ones because she is not old enough until November and we don't have much lure coursing in Minnesota in November. Plus I have to say that going to lure coursing without having John Siverson there would feel a little strange -

    I have a trainer who is very interested in agility with her and would actually show her in agility for me - which given my propensity for falling down might not be bad.

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