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If I didn't have dogs

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  • If I Didn't Have Dogs…

    I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety. My house could

    be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated. All flat surfaces,

    Clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of hair. When the

    Doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.:rolleyes:

    If I Didn't Have Dogs…

    When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading

    through fuzzy bodies who beat me there:eek: . I could sit on the couch

    and my bed the way I wanted, without taking into consideration how

    much space several furry bodies would need to get comfortable:( .

    I would have money….and no guilt to go on a real vacation. I would

    not be on a first-name basis with 6 veterinarians, as I put

    their yet unborn grand kids through college. :mad:

    If I Didn't Have Dogs…

    The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: out, sit,

    down, come, no, stay, and leave him/her/it ALONE. My house

    would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates or

    barriers. My house would not look like a day care center,

    toys everywhere. My pockets would not contain things

    like poop bags, treats and an extra leash.:rolleyes:

    If I Didn't Have Dogs…**

    I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L, F-R-I-S-B-E- E,

    W-A-L-K, T-R-E-A-T, B-I-K-E, G-O, R-I-D-E

    I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as outside.

    I would not look strangely at people who think having ONE dog ties them down too much.

    I'd look forward to spring and the rainy season instead of dreading

    'mud' season.:eek:

    If I Didn't Have Dogs…

    I would not have to answer the question 'Why do you have so many

    Animals?:rolleyes: ' from people who will never have the joy in their lives of

    Knowing they are loved unconditionally by someone as close to an angel

    as they will ever get.

    **If I didn't have dogs!

    How EMPTY my life would be!**:D

  • This is so cute & so true! I love it :) Thanks for sharing!

  • AWWWW…I'm so moved & teary :o (it could be I'm just hormonal) but I couldn't imagine my life without my pooches :D

  • You forgot that when something's missing, you have to go look under the bed, behind the couch, in some random corner somewhere.

    and then silence wouldn't mean something is getting ruined.

  • Yes, what a sad life that would be!!!

  • Life without my dogs is no life at all!! :D

  • If I didn't have dogs, I would have been able to take early retirement

  • @tanza:

    If I didn't have dogs, I would have been able to take early retirement

    :D :D :D :D

  • That was lovely…and true (although I only have one...and no doorbell)!

  • If I didn't have dogs

    I would never have learned the true value of hampers and picking up my room. I would not be able to tell you the pros and cons of various trash can designs for bath and kitchen. I would not know that childproof does not always equal dogproof when in comes to cabinet safety locks.

  • @lvoss:

    If I didn't have dogs

    I would not be able to tell you the pros and cons of various trash can designs for bath and kitchen.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    I find more cons than pro's.:D We have a 20lb dumbbell on top of our kitchen trash can!

    FWIW…..I weight more than 20lbs.....just sayin:D.

  • If I didn't have dogs

    We could go on a worry free really long vacation

  • It is so true - everyone asks why we have 3 dogs. When I got Hemi, people thought he was too big. Then we got Cyrus (the B), and he was too bad. When we adopted Oscar from an animal shelter, we had too many. We get so much love and companionship from our dogs. I enjoy them more than most people I know. I wouldn't trade any of them! I would actually like to get another. Shhhhh!


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