• Okay I did stick my foot in my mouth and didn't explain everything fully (is there a smiley for that, lol). I did mean it more because corvid is still in the dorms now and said that should be out next yr. What I should have said, was to make sure that you won't have to go back into the dorms, just make sure that you are stable. I never meant it as people in college shouldn't get a pet, sometimes what we type isn't what we mean.

  • There is a man in California that hunts with his basenjis and has written a lot of articles for The BAsenji Magazine, if you are thinking about hunting with falcon and basenji. PM me if you are interested in that aspect, I can put you in touch.

    Anne in FL

  • @WBL:

    Okay I did stick my foot in my mouth and didn't explain everything fully (is there a smiley for that, lol). I did mean it more because corvid is still in the dorms now and said that should be out next yr. What I should have said, was to make sure that you won't have to go back into the dorms, just make sure that you are stable. I never meant it as people in college shouldn't get a pet, sometimes what we type isn't what we mean.

    now i understand what you were trying to say! Just wanted to defend the fellow college kids on here! 🙂

  • renaultf1- If you want more info on falconry, send me a PM i have a great resource for you

    MacPack- are you talking about the same person who started the Basenji Native Trait Preservation Project site on yahoo? If so i have joined the group and just started sifting through information.

  • Welcome to the forum and keep us posted when you finally do get your beastie.

  • @corvid:

    I am in college but i do not think that having a dog will be too much of a problem, although i do appreciate the concern, but i want to do my research on the breed first. I am a licensed falconer and that is just as big a responsibility if not more so than having a dog. Adding a dog would not be too much more trouble.

    I got my first basenji when I was in grad school and my husband who was my fiancee at the time was still finishing his undergrad. I also placed a puppy with a college student and he has a great home. I will say that it is really important that if you have a roommate or roommates that they are on board with getting the dog too. I have everyone in the house come over and meet with me and the dogs. For Ramses' owner that meant he came over 4 times so that I could meet all his roommates and they could see what they were getting into. They were all happy to come and meet the dogs and were great with my dogs and Ramses got lots of socialization growing up since there was always people around.

  • If all goes well, i won't have any roommates, but we'll see once that comes along. Of course they would all have to be ok with it, but if they are ok with a falcon i don't think there will be too much problem with a dog, but ya never know.

    Like i said before, getting a dog is still a pretty good ways a way. July or august is the earliest and a lot of things would have to go just right, more realistic is sometime next year, but i want to do my research to be fully prepared and make sure i'll really have the time and money for it. Time isn't too much of a problem usually, but the $ part is another story, i need to make sure i am going to have a stable enough income for the vet visits, vaccinations, high quality food etc, and i always like to have a lot of money saved just in case there is ever an emergency with the animal.

  • Most basenjis only come into season once a year, in the fall with puppies born in Nov-Jan so if you are planning on a puppy then it will probably be ready to come home around this time of year. It is also important to start talking to breeders early and start to get out and meet people and their dogs. Many breeders' waiting lists fill before the breeding ever takes place. Even if you are not ready to get on a waiting list, it is good to talk to many people and meet many basenjis since each family of basenjis is a little different. With spring almost here, it is also a great time to go and check out some performance events and see some of the things that basenjis do.

  • Thanks for the info, looks like i'm going to be waiting until late this year/early next year at the earliest then!

    I am moving in may, most likely to colorado, so once i get there i will get involved with the local basenji stuff.

  • Rocky was born in June 😃 my special little summer baby.. just like ME 😃

  • Summer birthdays rock, 8/29 for me!

  • Glad to have you as a member. Unlike a lot of newbies, you seem to have your head on straight. Additionally, it sounds like you would provide a fantastic environment for a Basenji. You simply cannot exercise a Basenji too much - at least I don't think so - and they absolutely love to be outdoors (unless you hunt in the rain). I was only able to tire my B out (to the point where he just sat there and wouldn't move anymore) once!

  • @corvid:

    Summer birthdays rock, 8/29 for me!

    haha mines 7/29 😃

  • I don't know how to PM… I was wondering if you could direct me to the hunting with basenji and falconry articles.
    I use a red-and-white male and a tri-color female with my goshawk

  • Pinback,
    I'm a Falconer with 2 Basenjis, a MHH, and a soon to have Finnish Gos. We should talk!!-Tim;)

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