Well we went to pick Belle up on Saturday:D
She travelled very well in the car and only cried for about 10 mins of the 4 hour journey.
Cali & Kwame have taken to her very well which is always a big relief cause you know what Basenjis can be like:rolleyes:
Will you all believe me when I say that I am the worlds proutest, happiest mom :D
I certainly DO believe you! You guys are a most glorious pack! The pictures of Ryan sleeping with the dogs are priceless. :)
She is so cute! Congratulations - she looks just like my Shaye did except for that really darling little tri-color tail! Like all babies, they are adorable so they will live to be adults.:o
In my town dogs are not even allowed in the park. Sign says no animals allowed. Tell that to the squirrels and rabbits guess they cant read :rolleyes:. Be nice if you could take your pets with you more. A trip to the zoo would be great.