• I agree with Ivoss…also consider the possibility that Dallas might be bringing in pollen, etc. When our son was younger, we discovered he was allergic to dogs....and we owned a much loved Boxer. The allergist told us that we didn't have to get rid of the dog - just don't let him sleep in the bed and try to minimize time of the furniture used by the allergic person. Also, once your boyfriend can afford allergy shots, I really recommend them. I'm not allergic to dogs but I'm allergic to all grasses and most trees. The shots have REALLY helped. Also remember that Nasonex isn't designed to help during an attack. It is a long term medication that takes awhile to become effective. My allergist tells me to continue using it - even when my allergies seem calm. Before the shots started lessening my allergies and I still had some bad attacks, I found that Allegra-D and Astelin nasal inhaler helped the most. I'm not endorsing those meds....I just found that they helped me. Both are prescription meds though. Good luck!


  • I got him a prescription for Allegra today & was told that combining the Nasonex spray right upon waking up & an Allegra pill mid-day should help at least lessen the severity of symptoms.

    I am also looking into an air purifier (will be buying one this weekend in fact) & have already bought the dander-lessening shampoo. I did find these wipes that say it pulls the dander out of the coat & if used once a week it can drastically reduce the dander the dog produces all together. The same company makes spray in conditioner which does the same thing only it's for bi-daily use. I'll probably go with everything & see what works…

    Also, we're starting Dallas on Merrick's this weekend & weaning him off of Eukanuba since I've noticed he has a bit of dry skin anyway. Him having dry skin could be why Mark's allergies have seemed to get worse not better over time.

    Allergies stink don't they? Such a weird science.

    Thanks for the support everyone. I just feel so bad & even foolish since I finally thought Mark & I struck gold (since we've both wanted a dog for years) but I should have known that it would have taken more than 1 exposure. I guess I was seeing what I wanted to see...sigh

  • Has your boyfriend been to an allergist? I have pretty severe allergies (mainly trees, grasses, and anything else that grows outside) so I finally went to see an allergist. I have been getting allergy shots for two years. The reason I bring this option up is because I'm also allergic to cats. I asked my allergist if we could deal with the cat allergy in my shots along with the trees and grasses. Since beginning the shots I now live with three cats and have no problem. I also don't have to worry anymore about visiting friends and family who may have cats. My eyes would swell close to shut when I used to be around cats. I used to get twice a year sinus infections but haven't had one since being treaed by the allergist.

    I know an allergist and shots seem severe but since being treated by an allergist I have become a believer. Honestly, shots aren't that bad. I am one of those people who passes out at the sight of a needle coming toward me so I can attest to the fact that the shots are worth it. Anyway it is something I think anyone suffering from allergies should check out. Hope it all works out well.

  • @achandl2:

    Has your boyfriend been to an allergist? I have pretty severe allergies (mainly trees, grasses, and anything else that grows outside) so I finally went to see an allergist. I have been getting allergy shots for two years. The reason I bring this option up is because I'm also allergic to cats. I asked my allergist if we could deal with the cat allergy in my shots along with the trees and grasses. Since beginning the shots I now live with three cats and have no problem. I also don't have to worry anymore about visiting friends and family who may have cats. My eyes would swell close to shut when I used to be around cats. I used to get twice a year sinus infections but haven't had one since being treaed by the allergist.

    I know an allergist and shots seem severe but since being treated by an allergist I have become a believer. Honestly, shots aren't that bad. I am one of those people who passes out at the sight of a needle coming toward me so I can attest to the fact that the shots are worth it. Anyway it is something I think anyone suffering from allergies should check out. Hope it all works out well.

    We would get the shots however he does not currently have health insurance through his employer so they would be just too expensive for us to afford. I wish we could start allergy shots since I have read that with people treated for allergens due to pets 80% are "cured" of their allergy. It seems like a great solution but without insurance I can only imagine how expensive they would be. Considering his current nasal spray is $85 & Singulair (the pill they recommended if his allegra doesn't work) is $130 for 1 month supply :eek: I can look into prices without insurance but like all things in this country, I'd imagine without insurance help it'd cost a fortune (which is obvisouly more than we have. Hah)

  • I am not sure what your situation is, but what about going for insurance independently? It is expensive, I looked into it before I got my current job and it was about 250 a month for just me (this was 4 yrs ago), but if you are already spending over $200 on meds, it may be worth it, plus then you have the comfort of knowing he is insured in case anything else happens. My husband went w/o health insurance for several yrs in college, and while he still says it was a great idea, it always scared me that something serious would happen (injury, sickness, etc) and he would not have coverage. So I don't know if this is a possibility or an interest for you, but I just thought I would throw it out there! Good luck, I feel bad for you in that situation, I hope things can improve for you! Also, I have bad seasonal allergies, and my doctor prescribed Rhinocort Aqua, its been great (Prescription Claritian, and others didn't work for me) as basically no side effects…you could ask the doctor if it works for animal allergies as well...

  • I actually have looked into private insurance & it was going to be more like $350/month for him alone. It's just too much right now for us to afford. However, he is looking into getting a new job very soon so maybe his new place would offer insurance. I too HATE the fact he doesn't have it because I'm always worried something might happen & if it does without insurance we're kind of SOL.

  • I remember that feeling well 🙂 Another thing to possibly look into, I don't know how old you are, but if you are young (I think under 25) he could look into the COBRA option. I did that until I was 25, which was 3 yrs ago. What you do, is you actually pay to go under your parents insurance. I did that with my dad, and payed about $150 a month, again this was several years ago. Its for people who are 25 or under, to help you because you aren't a dependent anymore, yet many people are still just out of college/looking for jobs, and can't get insurance. I payed that amount, then had the exact same coverage they had. Again, I don't know if this is an option for you, but I just thought I would share.
    Eventually things will work out, but I know its a scary thing until you get settled…especially since its so expensive for insurance, yet its not like most younger people have that extra money to throw out for it!!!

  • Also, Are you absolutely sure he is allergic to the dog? I know you got your puppy recently, but seasons are changing, especially I would imagine with you living in FL, where there is warm weather. Are you sure there is nothing else in his environment that could be causing the allergic reaction?
    Again, good luck 🙂 Keep us informed as to how things go!

  • We don't think it could be anything else because he is fine when he is away from our apartment for a while. For example, when he is at work during the day his allergies go away. They don't really come back until about 30 or so minutes after being back at our place.

    He's been tested before by an allergist (although while he was a kid) for an allergy to pet dander & so it is a confirmed allergy. I just wish we could find some way to at least minimize his symptoms since they have been so bad lately. I am going to try some of the techniques already mentioned & I guess hope for the best…

  • Any update to the allergy problem?

  • Not yet. His allergies were the worst ever the other day when I posted this. They have calmed down so he isn't sneezing every 2 seconds like the other day. Not sure why the other day he was so affected but it's been better. I'm going to buy a HEPA air purifier tomorrow, we have officially switched Dallas over to Merrick's to help with his dry skin [which he LOVES by the way], Mark's taking Allegra daily now , & I plan on buying the allergen wipes tomorrow too . So we'll see how much it improves. I really think he'll get better with time since the body is very adaptable to things like this. But only time will tell…

  • well Nina, you can always send Dallas here lol, Mia would love it (lol, ok maybe not) or you can send Mark here which ever you feel you would have to part with 😃 lol

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Not yet. His allergies were the worst ever the other day when I posted this. They have calmed down so he isn't sneezing every 2 seconds like the other day. Not sure why the other day he was so affected but it's been better. I'm going to buy a HEPA air purifier tomorrow, we have officially switched Dallas over to Merrick's to help with his dry skin [which he LOVES by the way], Mark's taking Allegra daily now _, & I plan on buying the allergen wipes tomorrow too _. So we'll see how much it improves. I really think he'll get better with time since the body is very adaptable to things like this. But only time will tell…

    You might also consider use 3V caps for Dallas to help with the dry skin here is a link. http://www.3vcaps.com
    I have used this, especially when after my bitches would whelp and would really blow coat…..__

  • I am actually going to a pet sciality store today [not the one I normally go to] to see if they have the fish oil in a pump like I know Michelle uses. If not then those pills look good & so I'll probably buy some 🙂

  • @Ninabeana26:

    I am actually going to a pet sciality store today [not the one I normally go to] to see if they have the fish oil in a pump like I know Michelle uses. If not then those pills look good & so I'll probably buy some 🙂

    The 3V also comes in a pump… and you can search for places on the internet for the best price...

  • Very true. I found a place online for $11. I'll see how expensive it is with shipping v. the local pet store [if they even carry it] 🙂 Thanks for the tip! I'm sure him having dry skin is not helping with Mark's allergies one bit considering dander is dead skin which comes off more when their skin is dry. Duh! LOL

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Very true. I found a place online for $11. I'll see how expensive it is with shipping v. the local pet store [if they even carry it] 🙂 Thanks for the tip! I'm sure him having dry skin is not helping with Mark's allergies one bit considering dander is dead skin which comes off more when their skin is dry. Duh! LOL

    I have never found them in pet stores, at least not in California… so usually you can find places on line that do not charge sales tax, so the shipping turns out to be a trade off..

  • quick question, tanza. How is dry skin related to blowing coat?? You said you give the 3V for when your bitches shed alot, and Nina's getting it for Dallas' dry skin. Is a heavy shed a symptom of dry skin? I wonder if our humidifier helps with that at all…
    Also, Nina: Does Mark consistently wash his hands after touching the dog? That has helped me with my cat allergy. And when I'm home on Maui they're not allowed in my room.

  • @mauigirl:

    quick question, tanza. How is dry skin related to blowing coat?? You said you give the 3V for when your bitches shed alot, and Nina's getting it for Dallas' dry skin. Is a heavy shed a symptom of dry skin? I wonder if our humidifier helps with that at all…
    Also, Nina: Does Mark consistently wash his hands after touching the dog? That has helped me with my cat allergy. And when I'm home on Maui they're not allowed in my room.

    It is not a symptom of a heavy shed (dry skin), the blowing of coat after whelping a litter is usually due to hormons, but the skin can become drier and more "flakly" when shedding. Spayed bitches have hormon changes too and I have always found that spayed and/or neutered will have a heavier shed then in-tact at least every couple of years. The 3V caps are just a good skin supplement.

  • Dallas doesn't shed I just can see his dry skin in his ears & if I part some of his fur away. He scratches his & I can actually see the skin flaking off sometimes, although not always.

    And yea we have germ-x all over the house & so not only does he wash his hands after playing with Dallas but he always is using germ-x after doing anything at all, including just sitting on the sofa. We did talk about not allowing Dallas into our bedroom but Mark doesn't like the idea since we do plan on allowing him to sleep in bed with us after he's housetrained since he spends his days in the crate & we don't want him crated during the day & at night. I am getting a purifier for our main living space & a second one for the bedroom 🙂

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