Basenji Calendar 2008 Photo Contest
That's a great idea as well, although I would love to get a Basenji Park shirt.
That's why I think you would sell a lot more calenders if you could get at least one picture from everyone who submits.
If the picture is not as great (quality/focus) make it a smaller side picture somewhere.
I also think a basenji mix section would be fun. There are quit a few mix members here.
That's a great idea as well, although I would love to get a Basenji Park shirt.
That's why I think you would sell a lot more calenders if you could get at least one picture from everyone who submits.
If the picture is not as great (quality/focus) make it a smaller side picture somewhere.
I also think a basenji mix section would be fun. There are quit a few mix members here.
I agree that I think more people would buy if more dogs are featured, not just 12. I also agree that having a theme for the months without a real theme is a great idea (like having a B-mix month). I mean, what really is the theme in June? Or August? Etc.
I know the admin said if we have enough submissions we may be able to have several photos for each month in a collage vs just having one big photo [which is what all other dog calendars are like]. I am becoming a photoshop pro & make banners for my webpage so I know I would have no problem volunteering to make a collage for several of the months (maybe not all 12 though…that might take a while...) Haha. I know we have the beautiful photos & resources to where compromise is possible & in the end we'll have a beautiful calendar that sells :) I know I'd buy several!
I would also add that just because your pictures may not be perfect they still have value. I also think the idea here is to make more of a scap book of the site, not a pro photography calander (which could be done with some peoples pictures here).
I'm going to buy what ever is done to support either the site or Brat or what ever is decided, even if one month is just cloven foot prints done in tempra paint!
Thanks Vanessa & Admin!!
I would love to keep the forum free for users & ad free of course…so please let us know how we can help!! :) This is a unique place for us unique people & dogs :D so anything we could do to keep it going would be well worth the time & money spent.
Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding the calendar. After deliberating for a while and reviewing your comments in this thread, we think it would be best to make two calendars. This should alleviate several members concerns about keeping charity proceeds together with donations to help support Basenji Forums.
The proceeds from the sales of first calendar will go to BHE and the proceeds from the sales of the second calendar will go to support Basenji Forums. That way there will be a clear separation of two causes and no confusion. Members are welcome to purchase either one or both of the calendars.
Let us know what you think
Are we going to have completey different photos in the two calendars? Someone earlier had suggested having a dog calendar & then a puppy calendar so maybe that is an option? Otherwise you could maybe use the top 3 pics for one month put into 1 calendar & then the next three highest votes in the second one.
This venue helps so many folks who have b's and aren't educated re the dogs they have.
I think you should have some funds to keep this going.
Just my 2c. -
Here's are some other ideas about calendars…
You could do one wall calendar and one desk calendar.
The desk calendar could be the sort that is individual cards that fit in a cd jewel case (each would measure approx. 5" x 5.5") so there would be no bindery costs associated. Not to mention, the print cost would be way cheaper than a wall calendar as you could print a lot more per sheet. Jewel cases are super cheap as well. In general the profit on this sort of calendar is much higher than a wall calendar because production, paper, printing and bindery costs are significantly lower...even with the purchase of jewel cases factored in.For those that haven't seen this type of desk calendar, the jewel case acts as the holder for the just flip it open and it become a little stand. I did up a quick mock 3 month pdf version if anyone wants to get an idea of what this sort of thing looks like. PM me with your email address and I'll send it.
Another way to do a calendar would be to do a 4 page quarterly calendar (3 months per page). The size of that could be something like 11 x 17 or small poster size. Again, that way the paper costs aren't huge (and you could use really nice paper) and bindery could be done wire row or some more creative way.
Also, the Illustrator .ai file of calendar month grids can be had for free on Adobe's website...they only have the 2008 version so far, but that one is editable.
I would think the easiest way would be do a run of 50-100 calenders then when purchasing them, make two categories you can click on when you purchase them, the funds go into that pot.
The account would keep track of what category the calenders were purchased for.
It makes it simple.
Also as a suggestion I would do a prelim calender order thread where there is a tally and commitment by people buying them. Also we would need a rough cost before a commitment from people. That way you will get a real idea on the size of the printing needed.