• That's what we were thinking too, nominate any photos from Basenji Forums or your own gallery for each month. We will then contact the owner of the photo so they can release it to us.

    Great idea. I can already think of about 10 pictures I would nominate.

    I would order at least three depending on how much they cost.

    I hope everyone has a Paypal account?

  • @admin:

    The proceeds from all sales will help pay for the costs associated with running Basenji Forums and the rest will be devided equally between BRAT and Basenji Health Endowment.

    BRAT has a lot of their own fundraising efforts whereas the BHE has no ongoing fundraising project. I personally would be far more likely to buy something that was going to support the BHE then something where the proceeds were going to be split. I also think saying help pay for costs is nebulous because that means there is no garuntee that any money will be donated to the specified non-profits.

  • @lvoss:

    BRAT has a lot of their own fundraising efforts whereas the BHE has no ongoing fundraising project. I personally would be far more likely to buy something that was going to support the BHE then something where the proceeds were going to be split. I also think saying help pay for costs is nebulous because that means there is no garuntee that any money will be donated to the specified non-profits.

    You are right there is no guarantee. It all depends how many members will buy the calendar. We will set the voting poll, so the community will decide where the rest of the proceeds will go, whether it's BRAT or BHE.

  • But with so many members, how do we decide whose dogs are in and whose are out? πŸ˜•

    I mean, I KNOW mine would be in, but what about the others? πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, I think it's a great idea and if we do it for the endowment, then all the better!

  • It will be decided with a voting poll, everyone will get to vote once we open the polls.

    We are thinking to give a time window for all the submissions for each calendar month. Once the submission windows is closed and the entries are in, we will open the poll.

    More definitive rules and guidelines will be posted shortly.

  • I think we should try to get as many members dogs in the calendar as possible so agree that there should be some sort of limit on how many photos each individual can have in the calendar. If we don't limit it than the same people may get photos for every month & I'd imagine peopole will buy one if their dog is in the calendar ya know?

  • Just caught this, I'm in on it

  • @lvoss:

    BRAT has a lot of their own fundraising efforts whereas the BHE has no ongoing fundraising project. I personally would be far more likely to buy something that was going to support the BHE then something where the proceeds were going to be split. I also think saying help pay for costs is nebulous because that means there is no garuntee that any money will be donated to the specified non-profits.

    Ditto on all parts.

  • @Ninabeana26:

    I think we should try to get as many members dogs in the calendar as possible so agree that there should be some sort of limit on how many photos each individual can have in the calendar. If we don't limit it than the same people may get photos for every month & I'd imagine peopole will buy one if their dog is in the calendar ya know?

    Personally, I would rather buy a calendar with GREAT photos of a few dogs, than one with okay photos of a bunch of dogs. It doesn't matter to me at all whether my own dogs are in it. I see them all the time πŸ˜‰ And the variety of whose dogs are included doesn't much matter to me either. But, that's just me πŸ™‚

  • @Ninabeana26:

    I was thinking the same thing. Like December we could pic 4-6 pictures of basenjis in the snow or in their winter coats. Maybe July we could try to find 4-6 with dogs in the water? Etc etc.

    Are there 4-6 photos of basenjis in water out there?

    I think this is a great idea. The Bearded collie people did something like this with themes for each month. Proceeds went to rescue or health. (I know b/c one of hubby's pix made it into the calandar.) Here are the themes they used:
    Caught in the Act (certainly basenjis would beat beardies with this one!)
    Working (pix of herding and therapy dogs)
    Grungy (dirty dogs)
    Beardies and thier pals (pix of beardies with humans/other dogs/one pix with a bird)
    Jumping for Joy
    Holiday Beardies (Beardies - not just for Christmas anymore!)

    Each page has 6 pics above and 4 small pics across the bottom under the dates. There is a centerfold spred with 10 rescue beardies and a short write up of each. There are beardies from around the world pictured here. It's very nicely done.

    Perhaps we could also include basenji quotes. That one of VTW's about the finer art of appology would be perfect for Caught in the Act!

  • Personally, I'd love to see a Let Sleeping dogs Lie catagory. I love pix of sleeping animals.

  • Or animals dressed up.

    It's going to be hard to decide.

    Or basenji mixes?

  • @Quercus:

    Ditto on all parts.

    I completely agree with Lisa an Andrea.

  • Thank you everyone for all the great suggestions.

    Please visit the official Basenji Forums 2008 Calendar Contest thread.

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