Chafuko is arrived!
Welcome to the forum. What beautiful dogs (and cats) you have! They all seem to get along so well and adorable little Chafuko seems to blend in very nicely. Even your visiting dog, Pentah, fits in well. (The podenco looks a lot like an Ibizan Hound. What an interesting and pretty dog.) I enjoyed all the pictures of your family members and hope you will post more. It seems like we have we have several forum members from the Netherlands. It might be fun for you all to get together sometime.
(I just looked up the Podenco and it is apparently another name for the Ibizan. No wonder I thought they look similar.)
What a beautiful family you have! The photos are great…keep them coming!
Great photos! :) Thanks for sharing!
Great great photos!!!! Welcome to the Forums. Can't wait to see and hear more.
Great photos!