• I have gone into a petshop and talked to the manager…
    this is when they had a basenji for sale.
    I wrote up all sort of info re the local basenji club, basenji health info, my contact info...a nice little handout.
    I asked the owner if I could leave it with them to give to the new basenji owners.
    I was polite, tried to be kind, and cried all the way home from that place.
    The new owners did contact me and I did help them with some behavior issues they were having.
    I also talked them info having her fixed.
    It was not ideal, but it was what I did.
    I so wish selling companion animals was not allowed buy these puppymill businesses.
    Maybe if the states came up with some type of "lemon" law for these businesses that sell sick/defective dogs???

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I have gone into a petshop and talked to the manager…
    this is when they had a basenji for sale.
    I wrote up all sort of info re the local basenji club, basenji health info, my contact info...a nice little handout.
    I asked the owner if I could leave it with them to give to the new basenji owners.
    I was polite, tried to be kind, and cried all the way home from that place.
    The new owners did contact me and I did help them with some behavior issues they were having.
    I also talked them info having her fixed.
    It was not ideal, but it was what I did.
    I so wish selling companion animals was not allowed buy these puppymill businesses.
    Maybe if the states came up with some type of "lemon" law for these businesses that sell sick/defective dogs???

    I did the same thing, but I don't think the packet ever went home with the puppy because about three months after she was purchased the new owners contacted a local breeder because they came across her website. The dog wasn't working out for them, and they needed some help. The breeder took the dog, and she went into the BRAT system. The info that I originally left included information about where to turn for help, and community information out there, and BRAT info…

    I do think it is still a worthwhile thing to do if there is a pet store near you selling Basenjis though. Every now and then, you might get an shop owner that will pass the info on, and you might get a puppy owner that uses the info.

  • The good news for me is that this place has not had a basenji pup to sell since the one I saw.
    But sadly, they always do have puppies to sell.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    The good news for me is that this place has not had a basenji pup to sell since the one I saw.
    But sadly, they always do have puppies to sell.

    Yes, our news was good as well…because that store never had another Basenji puppy (they had to drop her price WAY down to even sell her)..and then a few months after that they closed completely! YAY!

  • We are very thankful here in No. Cal that there are very, very few pet stores that sell puppies period….

  • I think as more folks become educated, they learn that even if they did buy that "doggie in the window" there are better ways to find a healthy, happy companion animal.
    We now have pet food stores that just sell food and supplies…no animals at all.
    I hope it comes to that across the country, in our lifetime...

  • We have several supply only stores here in PA as well. The bad thing is thats probably because pet stores can't compete with the puppy mills. A lot of them just sell the puppies in the paper not to pet stores. The one supply only store had a guinea pig rescue one time…we brought it home. They gave it to us..they knew we had others at home and we take good care of it. I try to go back there when possible. I feel like they're being responsible.

  • @elena86:

    You have to understand…HSUS is NOT the same as the Humane Society or ASPCA. HSUS is code name for PETA. These people are such hypocrites! A couple of years ago, the PETA chapter in Norfolk, VA got caught red-handed for disposing of THOUSANDS of euthanized dog and car carcasses into the dumpsters behind a local Piggly Wiggly supermarket. People thought they were bringing in stray dogs and cats to be rescued. Instead, these animals were systematically put to death.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I think the message is the same though. I am not pro-PETA but I do think when they initially came into the public eye they had good intentions.

  • @elena86:

    You have to understand…HSUS is NOT the same as the Humane Society or ASPCA. HSUS is code name for PETA. These people are such hypocrites!

    I'd really appreciate it if you could provide a little more info regarding this statement. As someone who previously worked for HSUS and now regularly works with them, I'm a bit offended and a little concerned that you would make such a bold statement.

    I've seen nothing that would link these two separate groups together and I certainly haven't seen the HSUS taking part in the extreme tactics utilized by PETA.

  • Hi all -

    I am not a basenji owner, although my next door neighbor fostered and then adopted the most adorable one - named Joey!!!

    I actually found your site by googling to find out what happens to unsold puppies at a petstore, and low an behold, I ended up here.

    Anyway, I read through everything posted here, and saw that there were several people very concerned about the pet store experiences that they had (I believe one was Stella from Cleveland Heights) - so I googled to see if there was a place that would allow you to report the kind of hideous abuse she is talking about - 68 - 250 puppies dead in such a short time - heartbreaking.

    AND - there is!!! Here's the link: http://www.petstoreabuse.com/cando.html

    Please take the time to follow the steps to report problem petstores… it is one very strong thing we can do to stop these stores from continuing their horrible practices. No animal anywhere should ever have to suffer that treatment.

    And please, please - send this link on to your animal-loving friends. I think so many of us want to do something, but don't know if there is anywhere that will listen - here is a place that WILL.

    Thank you so much, and keep on loving your beautiful dogs!

    :o) Tara

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