Ohhhh...... what a sweet cutie pie!! He's going to give you tons & loads of love... along with testing your patience from time to time but... that's what all kids do ~ whether they've got 2 legs or 4 .. right? And yes, pictures all along the growing up stages (even if it's one where he gets all the stuffing out of a couch pillow) Very lucky you are! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Meet Nike Romano
He is so cute! What a good looking boy!
Nike is so cute!!! who is the breeder?
Midge Greenlee in Ocala, her breeder name is Sarengeti.
Very cute, enjoy every minute of it.:D
here are a few new pics of Nike…
Funny way to sleep if you ask me
"I'm too lazy to stand up and eat, plus this way the food goes down faster "
Ahhh peace and quiet!
I also have some funny videos I have to put together that I will post on here soon
Haha. Dallas always sits when he is eating as well!
I don't know how I missed this - he is soooo cute! What a face!
Oh, he's precious!
Oh gosh! These have to be the funniest pics ever!!
Very cute. love the stretched out pic
What a handsome boy!!! Can't wait too see more pictures!!!!
It is crazy how they sleep isn't it??? Awesome pictures, makes me want a puppy!
More puppy pictures - ooooh.
awwwwww so cute