Lisa is correct. I should not have used the term "pure-for" in reference to blacks and brindles. I was just trying to keep things as simple as possible so the chart would be followable by most people.
Below is the same chart corrected with more appropriate terminology.
pure-for-red x pure-for-red = only pure-for-red
pure-for-red x tri-factored red = pure-for-red and tri-factored red
tri-factored red x tri-factored red = pure-for-red, tri-factored red, and tris
tri x tri = tri only
black (non tri carrier) x pure-for-red = pure-for-black and pure-for-red
black (non tri carrier) x tri-factored red = black and red
black (non tri carrier)x brindle (non tri carrier)= black, brindle, and red
tri-factored black x tri-factored brindle = black, tri, red, brindle, trindle
tri-factored black x tri factored red = black, red, and tri
tri-factored black x tri = black, tris, and suprisingly reds
red (non tri carrier) x brindle (non tri carrier)= red and brindle
tri-factored red x tri factored brindle = red, brindle, tri, trindle
tri x trindle = tri, red, brindle, trindle
tri-factored red x trindle = tri, red, brindle, trindle
black (non tri carrier) x trindle = black, red, brindle
tri-factored black x trindle = black, brindle, red, tri, trindle
and add
brindle (non tri carrier) x brindle (non tri carrier) = brindle and red
brindle (non tri carrier) x tri = brindle and red
tri-factored brindle x tri-factored brindle = red, brindle, tri, trindle